
Volunteer abroad buddies/partners/groups?

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I want to volunteer abroad this summer, and I know there are many great programs around.. I just don't want to go by myself and I don't know anyone who is interested in going... where can I find safe programs where I won't be by myself? Or how can I find someone/others to go with if I don't know of anyone who wants to go from friends/family?




  1. sorry...I am doing Katrina work this summer, but most summers I am either in Ghana or S Africa....with I think you will be fine with a reputable company, and you will meet people when you get won't be alone, but it can be scary and overwhelming at first. Some orgs have message boards where you can chat before and after the might also try some eco/travel sites....they probably have more volunteers in their boards than YAnswers does. good luck and have fun!

  2. Check out some of these sites volunteering and language training programs all over the world you can join the volunteer discussion group and see if anyone's plans are of interest volunteer section under community has lots of organizations advertising has people living off of traveling that you could help with a project an American based program that provides education to the Dominican Republic

    Good luck with your plans.

  3. There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    Here's one specific org recommendation: Unite For Sight, which workes through partner eye clinics and communitie to create eye disease-free communities. "While helping the community, volunteers are in a position to witness and draw their own conclusions about the failures and inequities of global health systems. It broadens their view of what works, and what role they can have to insure a health system that works for everyone..." This program was featured on CNN International. Volunteers, both skilled and unskilled, are 18 years and older, and there is no upper age limit. It is obligatory for accepted volunteers to purchase insurance coverage through Unite for Sight's recommended provider, and volunteers are responsible for all travel arrangements, visa vaccine requirements, lodging, airfare, food, and any additional expenses.

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