
Volunteer work and Jobs! 10 pts!?

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I am 15 years old, and I want some ideas for volunteer work and jobs. I will turn 16 in May, so I will be able to work as much as possible in the summer.

1) What are some jobs that hire at 15? I already babysit every weekend, and will continue to babysit until the end of May, but I was looking for some "real"jobs for after school. When I turn 16 I know I can work almost anywhere.

2) What summer jobs pay the most for 16 year olds? I really need to save money.

3) Where can I volunteer in the summer or after school? Most places seem to want you to be 18 to volunteer.





  1. Real jobs at 15 -- that's hard, as most places want someone who is 16. Check with fast food restaurants. You might also be able to get work cleaning small offices after work hours and on weekends. At 15, you can expect only minimum wage, at the most, though most places will want to pay you less (and "under the table"). Have one of your parents open a bank account with you -- do NOT simply keep the money somewhere in your room.

    For volunteering, here is where to look:




    Network for Good,


    Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site,

    There's also this government sponsored site, which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc.

    If you want to be a volunteer to help with the consequences of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, you need to register and prepare NOW. Here's a web site where you can register and start your preparation so that you can help the next time disaster strikes:

  2. If you like kids, you might be able to volunteer at "Boys and Girls Club."

    Or maybe you could join a 4-H club.  You could be a teen mentor for younger kids in the club.

  3. Many good restaurants will hire 16 year olds to bus tables. Many of them split tips among the staff, and if you always show up and work your butt off, you can stand to make some good money that way. Another very lucrative (and tough) option is to cut grass, using your own equipment or the home owners. Just 4 yards a day at $25 each is $100 a day! You'll have to build your client base, but again, always show up on time and on schedule, do a great job, and your reputation will spread around. Get on your computer and make up some business cards. Be creative! But always show up on time and work your butt off!

    As for volunteering, and btw, it's refreshing to hear that you're interested, follow your heart! If you have a special compassion, animals or the elderly, for example, go to places that serve that population and ask if they can use your help in any way. Remember that sometimes small acts make a big impact! You can also to your school and ask if you can help younger kids in camps or summer school. Try the link below to see if there's anytinng in your area that suits you.

    Don't overlook your guidance counselor at school if she/he is available. You can get great advice there if the person has the time and skills.

    Good luck, sweetie!

  4. as far as work... try any store in your area.. fast food.. everything and anything... volunteering your time... look for the habitat for humanity... they help build houses for those with out or those who can hardley afford one.. other places would be state parks or beaches... they like to use volunteers to keep the cost down of running the grounds... that helps by keeping the taxes in the area down... look for nursing homes as well.. salvation army..

  5. well if u have a local humane socity or walmart or a fast food resterant those will all work!good luck

  6. Not many places hire 15-year olds; the regulations are quite restrictive. Check for jobs in industries that serve your age group, such as a music store or clothing store. I suggest volunteering at your local animal shelter

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