
Volunteering on a vineyard in France?

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I'm looking for any information regarding how to work on a vineyard in France for the upsoming harvest. Does anyone know of any places to do such a thing? How you go about it? And if it requires a visa to do so?




  1. If you  are an American citizen you have to have a visa to work in France. You can contact the French embassy or consulate and they will tell you what is needed. As far as working the vandange, the best place is Bourgogne and Bordeaux. The last time I did the vandange the owner offered room and board for a small fee. I must warn you though, it is very hard work and your back will ache because you have to bend over all day long. Each owner had work for about 10 to 15 days, so if you intend to spend the entire harvest time there, make sure you get a few vineyards lined up, after that you will find out about another one by word of mouth. It's very seasonal and fast. Harvest starts around the end of August, beginning of September.

  2. Forget that other response...You don't need a work visa to


    A great source for finding volunteer opportunities on farms in France, as well as the entire world, is WWOOF (WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms). There is a small fee for the farm directory (15 Euros for France), but such a resource is truly priceless. Here's the link to the France WWOOF website:

    I'm not sure exactly how many farms are in the France directory, but it's at least 300! As for vineyard work, it shouldn't be too hard to find a farm that produces wine...haha this is France!!

    Here's a little info from the WWOOF France website:

    'For the WWOOFer'

    How does this work ?

    WWOOF allows volunteers to stay on organic farms and join in with the various projects hosts are busy with. There is a variety of properties spread throughout France, in which organic growing plays some part.

    However, there is no obligation to carry out such tasks, no bound of subordination exists, WWOOF is an exchange, you will be there to learn. There is no money involved; the aim of WWOOF is to share experience in an ECOLOGICAL atmosphere.

    The main aims of WWOOF are:

        - To enable people to learn first hand organic growing techniques.

        - To enable town-dwellers to experience living and working on a farm.

        - To show alternative ways of life.

        - To improve communication within the organic movement.

        - To help develop confidence in becoming self-sufficient.

        - To meet interesting people and make useful contacts.

    If you want to make new friends, learn more about the Organic world, give back to the country you are traveling in, be outside most of the time and promoting the environment, Then subscribe and become a new WWOOFer.

    I hope this info helps. Best of luck.

    - Colin Boggess (Virginia)

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