
WAMU Bankrupt?

by Guest59298  |  earlier

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i was wondering if that was true

is Washington Mutual bankrupt?




  1. not that I have seen

  2. my friend has a cousin that works for WaMu and she told me that WaMu is going into bankrupt. but i can't rely on that kind of information

    so far i have been researching about it and i have not "READ" that WaMu is going into bankrupt.

    what i have been reading so far is that WaMu is have some financial problems and had to laid off people and there stock has not been to good. but it's not 100% that it's true. same goes for Downy banks also. there having financial problems as well.

    I bank with WaMu and i'm planing on taking out my money ASAP and will go to Wells Fargo. i rather be safe then sorry.

  3. Theer R rumers bout wich will be next bank tu fael.

    Wash mutual is at the hed av most lists.

    Yu kan listen tu rumers or not...yer chois.
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