
WARNING: Sensitive subject -Miscarriage question?

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Has anyone miscarried at 5 months? What did you feel like physically? did you have to go to the doctors to deliver the fetus?

I'm asking because my friend just miscarried and I don't want to ask her these questions yet, but I'm curious.




  1. speaking from experiance.....i went into early pre-term labor with my last pregnancy. after 20 weeks they dont call it a miscarriage. they call it pre-term labor.

    It's a very horrible experiance...

    my water broke and then I lost my mucus plug...and about an hr or two later...i went into contractions...and 2 hrs later my twin boys were born and died all in the same day. At 5 months the baby is too big to just pass like its some's a baby and you can hold them in the palm of your hand. I was in the hospital...which is where you should be if your that far along. luckily i didnt have to have a d&c but all in all its a very tramatic experiance and one I dont wish on my worst enemy.

  2. my sister woke up one night with pain. ALOT!!! she went to the restroom and called for all of us sinse she didnt wake anyone up when the actuall pain struck. while i was on the phone with emergencies, she was bleeding alot sitting on the toilet. she said she felt something fall out but i was just blood all cloged up...she was taken to the emergency and found the baby to be miscarried....she had to deliever the baby. as in like actuall birth......she said it was painfull but i know that the most painfull part was seeing your baby all developed with no life. my sis was 5 months. this could be a very sensitive time for your friend. visit her. be with her. and let her know that its not her fault. she might get stuck in depression and its up to the people who love her to get out of it. she will eventually open up. give her time. alot of time. i myself miscarried at 3months and still not over it. i never will be.......dont be too curious with her. it could just get her more sorry for her loss.  

  3. This happened to a girl I worked with, she started to lose the baby at home and was taken to hospital by ambulance and delivered a stillborn baby vaginally. Terribly sad. I'm so sorry for your friend.

    The reason I know the above story is that I was pregnant at the time too, a good way behind her, we were the two pregnant girls at work, but I lost my baby at 10 weeks, and the next time I saw her I was nice to her but I felt angry that she had her baby and I didn't have mine anymore - and the next week, she lost hers too. It was awful, I felt like I'd done it.

  4. sorry for your friend =(

    most likely yes she will have to go and deliver the fetus, or have a D&C done....the rest i dont know about cuz it never happened to me  

  5. I have not, but from what I've read, you probably would need to go to the doctor for a D&C (dilation and cutterage) which makes certain that all of the fetus is removed from your body by dilating the cervix and scraping the uterus.  They can tell if you need one from an ultrasound.  When my mom had a late miscarriage they asked her to bring in anything that she lost (like the fetus) so that they could see if all was gone, but that was in the seventies.

    I'm at ten weeks now and I know a miscarriage would be really tough.  I would think that at five months, having felt the baby move, I would be extremely upset and it would probably take me a long time to get over it.  The best thing you can do is let your friend talk to you and just listen.  You could offer to cook, call regularly and just leave a message, send funny cards, just kind of let your friend know you are there, even if she doesn't feel like talking about it.

  6. I have not personally misacarried before. But I have several friends who have. I have 2 that miscarried at about 5 months. They did not have to deliver the fetus, usually you only have to do that when you are very late in term, like 9 months, very close to delivery date. What they will most likely do is a DNC. It is where they go in with a general and remove the baby. My friends say that physically they felt okay. Mostly tired. But emotionally it was very hard. I don't care how far along you are in pregnancy, 2 weeks, or full term, it is your baby and you lost it. She will blame herself thinking of everything she did and will wonder if that is why she lost the baby. Just be there for her, reassuring her that is not her fault or anyone elses. Sometime these things happen for reasons we will never know. Good luck to you and your friend.  

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