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okay so if i drink water a lot more,

i will get "water wieight"

won't that make me GAIN WIEGHT? get a belly?? or will i pee it all out???




  1. sweat and pee

  2. i heard somewhere drinkin a lot of water wil lhelp u lose weight.

    but that's only somethnig i've heard. Go look it up if u wana b sure.

  3. You will pee it all out. No worries. (Just don't hold it in for TOO long...had a baaaad experience..ended up in the bladder burst. That, my friend was the most PAINFUL thing I had to go through for 3 days..)

  4. you can never be drinking enough water. 2-3 liters a day is recommended. more if you are really active. the body is made up of 70% water and its not healthy to lose any of this. one thing you can do is prevent uncessary water retention by checking your foods for sodium level. the recommended daily value of sodium is only 2300mg so make sure you aren't exceeding this. soups, sodas,fast food, deli meat and pretty much anything else that's been process contains a TON of sodium. look for the low sodium options when shopping. once your sodium in take is in teh normal range (every day) then you will lose any excess water that you're body was holding onto that wasn't vital to its existance. dehydration slows down your metabolism so don't ever think you are drinking TOO much water.

  5. Your body will simply get rid of it, along with a lot of waste, which might cause you to lose more weight.

  6. Water has 0 calories.  So, you cannot gain weight by drinking even a ton of it.  Only things with calories (a measure of energy value) can make you gain weight.

  7. For an hour or so, it's possible you will have a belly. Depending on how thin you are. But you will pee it out. That is why it is called "water weight" you body will pass the extra liquid. So uh, yeah you might have a belly but not for long.

  8. water weight does make u gain weight but not get a belly! it will probably pee it out....

  9. it wont make you gain any weight.  it will make your body healthier and will help you lose weight.  my dad cut off of sodas and drank only water and lost like 5-10 pounds.

  10. water weight is when you weigh 117 then go pee and your 116. you usually pee out water weight.

    also it is virtually impossible to get rid of water weight

    water is needed in your body to transport nutrients throughout the body.

    the more water the better. it is like the best thing to drink. its great for your body and you will feel much less bloated after drinking water rather than a coke would.

  11. Drinking too much water is bad for your kidneys, so don't be silly about how much you drink. You will just pee it out unless you eat a lot of salt, then your body will start retaining it.

  12. Not really. Some people retain water while other people don't. Retaining water is fine, and it just means you're holding water, and it actually helps strengthen bladder. I'm the biggest water drinker ever, and it all evens out. My weight is up and down, but my figure is always the same. Water is really healthy for you, it makes you hydrated, healthier, and keeps your skin mouistuzed.

  13. some of it you will store i think but most of you will pee out

  14. You'll just excrete it out.

  15. ull pee it all out

  16. if your healthy you will pee it all out.

  17. Water weight?

    No such thing.

    Water actually goes through our system rather quickly compared to other food and drink. It is used and excreted. Plain and simple.

    Since there is no calories in water then there is no weight gain and no storage of excess water.

  18. It will fill where your food goes, so it will help you loose weight since you end up using or peeing out the water.
You're reading: WATER!>!>heh>?

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