
WHAT DO YOU think about..?

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What do you think about mexico

HONESTLY please.. mexican people, mexican food, music,culture and alll!!!!!





  1. If you get away from tourist areas, the people are friendly and the food is decent and cheap.  if you went to Cancun one day and took the "A" bus to Celestune the next, you would think you were in two different countries.  In Cancun, a hamburger can cost you $7.00 and it is c**p.  You will have a better time in San Diego.  Same throughout the all the tourist areas in Mexico or Baja.  In Celestune, a beer cost 70 cents and you get an entire fresh fried fish, clams, or octopus for free.  And there aren't any hamburgers.  When I was in Cancun, I wanted to get out as fast as I could.  When I was in Celestune, I was the only Gringo in town and everyone invited me into their bar, restaurant, or house for dinner.  Like night and day.  Same thing in Guatemala, Peru, Philippines, Moorea, Fiji, or any of   32 other countries I've traveled through - including the U.S.  Don't go to the tourist places.  You'll have more fun in Las Vegas.

  2. its a good place to chill at and have fun

  3. I live in Mexico and like it very much. Neighbors are friendly, fresh produce and food are great. Northern Baja is far from the cultural center of the Republic so people find it more American than Mexican. However, the music, art and language belie that notion.

  4. Hmmm lets see, i have been to mexico alot before and i love it. Im going  for spring break again and im staying at the Iberostar Paraiso Maya. It is so nice there and fun. Personally its one of my favorite places to go with your family or friends or sombody special or even alone. I love everything about it. I personally liek the Iberostars best.  :)

  5. Well,I love Mexico and Mexicans cuz im married to one and he is the love of my life ,People always say negative things about Mexicans and they are totally wrong ,and the food is great ,his mom has taught me so much about cooking thier foods ,Hot and Spicy foods are so good to eat and  the Mexican Culture  is great,we have taught our kids it ,,they  have grown up to respect  and   be polite everyone , well thanks for  listening to me ,I could go on and on

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