

by Guest45239  |  earlier

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  1. It's related to all industry. It's when industry stared when the firs factories were made. And when not every thing had to be hand made.

  2. concentration of more n more industries leads to industralisation. As in the begning of 20 th century was dominated by UK , US & European Union by establishing more n more Industries... for ur knowlwdge these mentioned countries has reached their peak potential... now in 21th century Just imagine China ,for me China in 21th century means Industrailsation.... India is not behind....


    change to industrial methods of production

    the social and economic changes in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States that began in the late 18th century and involved widespread adoption of industrial methods of production. The specialization of tasks, the concentration of capital, and the centralization of work forces were important aspects of these changes, which first affected the United Kingdom.

  4. the industrial revolution was when machines were becoming more common in the manufacture of everyday goods like cars clothes etc

  5. Kind of. It's when machinery first began to come out (Just small things like the cotton gin at first) and started to replace people's home businesses. A lot of farmers lost money, and men, women, and small children all went to work in textile mills and such. The conditions were c**p. Also railroads were part of the revolution.

  6. yep. it's in the 1800s i think. In england when the 1st trains were invented and everyone that lived in a rural area moved to the city because it was cheaper & easier to grow crops. The people couldn't work on farms so they moved. Women had started to be accepted into working (sewing machines) children would often have to climb under the machines when wool got stuck and sometimes came out with broken & torn limbs. What grade are you in? I'm only 13 & I know this by heart. We had to write a HUGE essay on it last year

  7. The industrial revolution was the advancement of all business, industry, technology, medicine and transport. The main changes and advancements happened between 1750 and 1900. Some examples of the main changes that took place were the canals, railways, spinning jennys (machinery in general), factories and housing.

    Yes it is related to the cloth industry because mahinery like the spinning jenny made sewing and manufature of clothes quicker, cheaper and easier. With bigger factories and more jobs, more people were working and producing more cloth to make clothes, bedding and all sorts of other household items.

  8. Yes, it is related to clothing industry.

    Before the industrial revolution, clothes are made in a very slow process (hand made)

    But during the industrial revolution, they invented the Spinning Jenny which weaves 10 threads at a time.


  9. It was when factories came out. The cloth industry was out before the industrial revolution and was improved on afterward.


  11. The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The changes subsequently spread throughout Europe and North America and eventually the world, a process that continues as industrialisation. The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way....

    for the full discription plz go through...

  12. It's when the things you buy started being made in factories and in large numbers rather then by small businesses and specific individuals.  Back in the day you'd get clothes made by local tailors, after the industrial revolution you by them at Wallmart and they are made in a factory in China.

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