
~~~~*WHAT IS yoru mornign routine?

by  |  earlier

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what time o you get up and what do you do to get ready?

if you straiten your hair the night befor how do you keep it from gettging gross by sleeping.?




  1. Rub my eyes and turn over.

  2. Get up at 6:30am, shower, brush my teeth, blow dry my hair, do my makeup, straighten or curl my hair, and leave for work. at like 8:15am.

  3. Well I have a shower the night before, then blow dry it, and straighten it.

    Go to bed,

    Wake up,

    Get dressed,

    do my hair and make up,

    Eat breakfast,

    Put stuff into backpack,

    leave at 8:10

    that was last years schedule,

    i don't know this school years yet.  

  4. I get up around six thirty, and I take a shower. If I have enough time, I wash my hair every morning, but if it's cold or something I'll wait until after school. Then I brush my hair and use any product that I need, cover any zits (rare), then use a powdered foundation and eyeshadow. If I'm hungry, I eat breakfast, and then I do whatever else I have to do before school, like take my dogs outside, etc.

  5. 5.15 - wake up, take a shower

    5.35 - get out of shower, brush hair, style hair, put in contacts

    5.50 - get dressed

    6.10 - do makeup

    6.20 - eat breakfast, watch news

    6.40 - brush teeth, grab all of my stuff

    6.55 - Leave for school (mom takes me).

    7.05 - sit through traffic

    7.25 - get to school

    I hope this helps!

  6. for school? i get up at 6 & just brush my hair, wash my face, get ready for school. and i always straighten my hair at night.. i found that if you have a satin and silky pillow and you lay your hair flat, it stays stick straight! just use hairspray, brush your hair straight and try not to move around in bed a lot.

  7. for school, i wake up at 5:45, then go to the bathroom,use it and wash my face. then i eat something, go back to the bathroom,brush my teeth,get dressed,put on some makeup,and touch up on my hair.(i straighten it the night before but fix some parts in the morning) then i put on my shoes spray some perfume, get my backpack, and im out the door:)

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