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I take very good care of my teeth, I have even had my dentist compliment me on them, however they're still not that white, I want very nice impressive whilte teeth. And can't seem to fidn the right thing to use. Crest white strips are the best I've come accross. Does anyone know anything betteR?




  1. get strawberries and baking powder, mix the both together ( and mash them together )

    put it on ur tooth brush and use it like tooth paste.

    repeat 2-3 times and ur teeth will be whiter than ur natural color :)

  2. have your teeth professionaly whitened by a dentist-they use many different brand names I think the best is zoom! go to there website to find a dentist near you. costs $400-$600 but worth it. Your teeth will always be whiter then b-4. The have them make you home whitening trays so you can touch up when needed( If u drink alot of coffe,re wine etc) They whiten right back up. Soetimes u can get up to 10 shades whiter in 1 visit. Good Luck!

  3. I have the same problem.  Some of us have less enamel covering the bone on our teeth and thats why our teeth look more yellowish (the natural bone color shows thru)  It's a curse, the whiteners mostly take out stains, although they may help they aren't going to make your teeth dazzling white.  The dentist can paint something on - I forget what it's called, but it's pricey and doesn't last forever.  

  4. crest is the best ive come across also. another kind i like is a brand that is carried on it is toothpaste and you use it twice a day for a week or 2. it works pretty well also.

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