
WHO OWNS THE MOON?????????????????????

by Guest57593  |  earlier

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WHO OWNS THE MOON?????????????????????




  1. its no one but the GOD the supreme one owns it

  2. no one

  3. USA ha no one.

  4. I would imagine the Moon belongs to everyone and to no one, just like international waters. But when it comes to moon-based mineral rights and other physical resources, I don't know. The United Nations might have jurisdiction over future disputes as to who owns which crater or who has right of first pass.

  5. No one. There are international laws prohibiting the ownership (by individuals or nations) of any extra-terrestrial (beyond Earth) bodies.

  6. In the end it depends who's got the the biggest Gun will own the moon. Look how the continents were colonised  by humans.

  7. Nobody owns the moon.

    It's like the moon is independent.

    If there were people living ON the moon (which I highly doubt) - I guess some people will "own" the moon as countries.

    Just like nobody owns the Earth.

    People own parts of Earth because they are countries.

  8. I do.  I had some Americans peg out a few mining areas for me about 39 years ago. Didn't cost me much as they were going anyway.  

  9. no one owns the moon


  11. my butt

  12. The U.N. decided that nobody will own it.

  13. No one (surprised the power nations haven't fought about this

    topic haha everyone being so power hungry) The only big deal

    was to race to it and back. The only thing we own in relation to

    the moon is some bragging rights.

  14. Nobody owns the moon. The outer space treaty of the UN says, that nobody can own the celestial objects. All spacefaring nations signed this treaty.  

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