
WHat ryhms with....?

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what ryhms with cold




  1. kold

  2. bold, bowled, doled, fold, gold, hold, holed, holed, mold, mold, bold, node, old, polled, rolled, scold, sold, strolled, told, tolled, voled, wold

  3. bold, told, uphold, hold, sold, mold, polled........

  4. old, told, mold, sold.

    its rhymes! not rhyms! Got something against the letter 'e' today?

  5. Bold, Old, Sold, Told, Mold, Fold, Gold, Hold

  6. urm..There's several of them...

    here ill give you my top ones!


    bold, bowled, dold, doled, fold, gold, golde, hold, holde, holed, mold, mould, nold, nolde, old, olde, polled, roald, rolled, scold, sold, strolled, told, tolled, vold, wold

    2 syllables:

    ahold, all told, behold, bread mold, cajoled, consoled, controlled, enfold, enrolled, extolled, fool's gold, foretold, fourfold, get hold, green gold, leaf mold, leaf mould, machold, make bold, old gold, outsold, paroled, patrolled, remold, resold, slime mold, slime mould, take hold, twofold, unfold, unsold, untold, uphold, white gold, withhold

    3 syllables:

    alpine gold, common scold, decontrolled, dental gold, double gold, guinea gold, iron mold, iron mould, oversold, paper gold, taking hold, true slime mold, uncontrolled, undersold, vocal fold, water mold, wrestling hold

    4 syllables:

    mosaic gold, potato mold, protective fold

    5 syllables:

    acapulco gold, cellular slime mold

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