
WHat should my mom say?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this and it's still active, but no ones answering the part of it that's important.

My friend and I cant talk or see each other.

(We prank called her aunt five times) but all we did was say gibberish and hang up. So, her aunt told her mom, and now we're in this situation. My mom is going to call tomorrow, but ONLY if I find out what she should say. So, what would help and make us able to hang out?! She really needs a friend now, and I'm her best friend, (she said), so this is URGENT! More-so than you know.

Thank you and PLEASE answer. :)




  1. I'm sorry.  I don't really understand what exactly it is that you're asking.

    Your mother is going to call and try to get your friend out of trouble?  Is that what you are saying?  I think that's the irresponsible (and nosy) thing to do.  You two were doing something you shouldn't have been doing and now you have to deal with the consequences.  If that means that she's grounded and you can't visit, then that's that.  Sorry.

    If your mother called me to try to get my daughter out of trouble, I'd tell her to mind her own business and that the two of you could talk again after she's done being grounded.

  2. just say that you were joking around, but now you realise how seriously if effected her aunt and want to apologise, so call the aunt and tell her you are sorry and it won't happen again!

    friendship is important don't let your friends mum ruin it! prank calls are better than drugs & all that goes along with it!!!

  3. um idk just tell her the truth........~xoxo ally*

  4. tell your mom you and your friend are very sorry i mean bring your firend with you..make her understand that pranking is something kids who are very bored do!! tell ehr that maybe if you had something better to do you wouldnt have pranked your aunt!

    or you can say you lost your phone and someoen at school who found it used it but now you got it back from the lost and found =] whoot lol

    or you can say your friends little brother got it ((that is if she has a little brother))

    your mom should chill, thats so strict! not letting you hang out with your friend for pranking!

    or you can tell ehr the truth cry and tell her she cant make you be appart from your best friend

  5. I am sitting here.. trying to figure your story out.. it just isn't making sense to me!

    You and your friend prank called your friends aunt. Her aunt told your friends mom. So now you and your friend can't see each other. So, now your mom is going to call your friends mom to get you guys out of trouble so you can talk to each other. But, your mom doesn't know what to say so your asking us?

    Is this right or did I get it totally wrong?

  6. have your mom say like

    the girls were just messing around and they must have been bored. it was harmless and they are very sorry they bothered aunt. i really think they should still be allowed to be friends becuase they get along so well and they are such good kids.  and they are both smart and dont do drugs and blabla.  bs like that to make her be like okayyy atleast shes not friends with druggies and the worst thing they do is prank call people.  

  7. this has happened to me before. tell your mom they were bored one night, and they were pranking a bunch of people in her contacts that she thought would get upset. many kids do it, just give them a warning, and make sure they know it's wrong. if your not allowed to hang out after that. then they have a problem.

  8. It was just a prank. I'm pretty sure you meant no harm or anything. You were just having fun. Just say you didn't mean it. Say you were just having fun and no harm was meant. You know? Convince them it was just something you guys did for fun.

  9. Your mom should tell her mom that you two didn't mean any harm by pranking her aunt.  You should tell your mom to tell her that you want to apologize to her aunt, that you two are really sorry and you won't do it again.  Also how you are both really good friends, and that you have already been punished in some way at home, and your mom knows that you wouldn't do that again.  Maybe your mom can offer to make dinner for her, her mom, and her aunt.  You can get like an apology greeting card.  Maybe a dinner would ease the situation, and her aunt will see "what a nice girl" you are, and "what good friends they are".  Good Luck!

  10. I think your mom should play it up that she knows what you guys did was wrong, and explain that what you guys did was childish and wasted time of her aunt, but that being able to have communication with your friend is very important for both of you guys. That way, your friends mom thinks she is right and your mom is on her side, but at the same time she will believe that keeping you guys apart will only hurt you. Maybe your mom can say something along the lines of your friend being upset about something and needs you right now. That will also make her mom kind of worry abit that her daughter may be going through a hard time and if she can't talk to her mom about then at least she has you. I don't know just try it. And hang in there it sucks when you can't see or speak to your friend.

  11. tell her you are sorry for doing that and you are just kids then ask her if she was ever a kid herself and did dumb things like that.

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