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I got my period all last week. It lasted about 5 days. Everything seemed pretty normal about it. Before then the last time was in March so I missed it for about 3 months.... So today the few times that I went to the bathroom after I cleaned the tissue was pinkish. It wasn't red but definetly pink... what is this and what does it mean? Please someone help... (oh and I'm 23)




  1. i dont want to accuse, but do you maybe have some sort of bad eating habits? like eating disorders? maybe youre also TOO active. sometimes athletes miss lots of periods. sometimes hey get shorted even when they have them too.

  2. maybe u have cystic go to a doctor cuz cystic r like blood clots in ur ovaries

  3. Look I am 11 and this happened to me during school time i was using the restroom and when i looked at the paper it was kinda pinkish but solid and the next day my period came or either its that or you are pregnant because i am not pregnant i haven't even had my first kiss so i am not pregnant now about you maybe your period is coming or you are pregnant I hope this helps

  4. ur period can still get off track from stress so if ur worried just take a few days a minth for youself!!

  5. You had mucus light pink spotting no period you have cramps low back and your hips hurt could you be pregnant

  6. Are you sexually active?  Could you have been pregnant?  If not it could just be hormonal changes.  I would probably go see the Dr. about it.
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