
WOMEN: Would you take this part?

by  |  earlier

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I was offered a small role and I'm not sure if I should take it...would you? Please answer all questions below, so it will help me decide!

1) Would you be ok with pretending to be "passed out" and letting someone carry you over his/her shoulder? Why or why not?

2) Would it be ok if the person carrying you over the shoulder was a woman? Why or why not?

3) What would you think about the fact that you would have to wear black dress pants while you were being carried over the shoulder?

4) What would you think if the camera angle during the scene would have to be focused on the face of the person carrying you along with your bent over butt in the air right next to her face?

5) Would you do the other role? Carry a "passed out" woman over your shoulder in black dress pants and have her butt near your face? Why or why not?

6) Would you rather BE passed out and carried over a girl's shoulder or TO carry a passed out girl over your shoulder with her butt near your face? Why?




  1. Yes but make sure you dont eat or drink to much before hand because it might hurt your stomach and make you want to be sick

    yes as long as she didnt drop me

    what are dress pants? as long as I wasnt naked sure I dont see why not

    ermmmmm I wouldnt mind if I really wanted the part

    yeah but I dont think I am strong enough lol

    carried over the shoulder because if I had to carry someone Id probably fall over an id rather not have someone elses butt in my face given the choice

  2. 1) If it was me yes, because I'm quiet lazy when I can be but work hard still and wounldn't mind.

    2)Yes, there's nothing wrong with Woman to Woman.  I see it looks pretty fine.

    3) I like to wear black, it looks good with anything pretty much.

    4) Actually I'd feel very sorry for the person carrying me.

    5) I don't want any person's butt by my face.

    6) I'd like to be carried.

  3. Allowing some one to carry you while you pretend to be passed out makes for trust and practice, and practice is definitely a part of acting. The s*x of the person carrying you doesn't matter, as long as they can physically carry you. Also, what you wear, and that your butt would be near the other actor's face is irrelevant. I would rather be the girl carrying myself, just because a credible "passing out" is hard to do. Lastly, if you really want to act, there ARE no small parts!

  4. A part is a part. If you are serious about acting, you will take any part you can get.

  5. I dont think the part of being passed out is very challenging and i certainly dont think your c.v will benifit from this. The other part sounds better and would give you more exposure as an actor. Which is what its all about when you are trying to make it. I would have some dignity and turn the bottom close up part down.

    Hope this is of some help to you

  6. i'd rather it be a guy carrying me,

  7. If you're serious about becoming an actress, you will accept any part that is given to you.

  8. Um... I think either role is fine. What's so bad about carrying a woman on your shoulder, or vice versa? Sounds kind of homophobic to me, honestly, the question.

  9. 1) i wouldn't mind. it sounds fun

    2) i wouldn't mind as long as she doesn't drop me :)

    3) i like black dress pants

    4) i'd just make sure that the pants i was wearing makes my butt look really really cute

    5) probably not. i wouldn't want to have to carry someone

    6) be passed out and carried cause you don't have to really act or anything. you're just lying there

  10. 1. lol yeah

    2. nad that'd be akwarrrrrrrd


    4. that sucksssss

    5. lol yees

    6. id rather carry the person so then the spotlight will be on my face ;) hahaha

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