
WTC, Sep 11 Bombing?

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Do you really think that Osama Bib Laden had carried on the famous WTC, Sep 11 Bombing?


The US media have portrayed it to you to believe what they wanted

Then why is that you find enormous web sites stating its an inside job.

Just type 911 lies and you find number of websites stating the truth. One is here for reference

Please do comment on seeing this website

is media a medium to trust?




  1. Can you imagine if it ever turned out to be proven that it was a US Gov plot? The U.S would be finished on the world stage, they'd be gambling a h**l of lot on it remaining secret for ever.

    It was Bin Bags, I'm convinced.

  2. If Osama Bin Laden did it there would be a warrant out for his arrest, as it is, there isn't as no evidence of his involvement is known... the governments [UK & US] let people like him carry on terrorizing through thoughts helped with media, and his right hand men go whilst picking on bumbling hackers like Gary McKinnon looking for new technologies and UFO evidence... seems the fake alien invasion is more important than any genocide.

  3. Read "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" by David Ray Griffin.

    He explains in great detail how inaccurate and incomplete the 9/11 Commission Report is. This was written under the direction of the administration you know. It's a huge white wash.

    There is no official explaination that accounts for how three buildings were demolished on NYC on 9/11.

  4. If we say it was an inside job, we get labelled as wacky.  I dont know who was ultimately responsible, but I do know there are many questions that no one is willing to answer!   One being, WTC building 7, pulled?  Takes months of planning to pull a building, not a few hours.  Who pulled WTC 1/2?  Only three buildings ever to collapse into its own footprint because of fire.  Billions of dollars made that day for a certain few people.

  5. Of course there is lots of sites and it is easy to set one up. Believe me there is most likely as many that would come up with the words 911 terror strike.

  6. U.S gov is doing alot of dirty work, to me osama did have something to do with WTC and all that but, that opportunity gave the US gov espcially George Bush jr, to give reasons to invade iraq, making up alot of BS about neuclear warfare w/e. Now were in the crysis of oil going up, the goverment doesnt care why should they? they want you to buy a hummer that only goes 9 miles a gallon more money in their pockets.

    Soon we'll be at war with another country for more oil maybe Veniswella (however you spell it) they have a bad gov maybe our goverment will come up with a way to start a war with them and take their oil.

  7. Unfortunately, the major European intelligence agencies all agree that it was Osama what done it. And I think subsequent events, such as the bombings in Britain and Spain, and what has turned up during those investigations, absolutely confirms it.

    I'm all for looking critically at what the media and governments tell us (as the lies about WMD in Iraq show), I think there comes a point when you have to be sensible and realise the official version of things actually is correct - and subject to rather more stringent scrutiny than an unsourced website on the Internet.

  8. If you are dumb enough to believe this website, I got a bridge to sell you.

    I wish the conspiracy theorrists would get over it, as they really max out on showing their utter stupidity!  Are you voting for Rosey O'Donald?

  9. Al-qaeda were behind the attacks.

    Where have you been the last 7 years?

  10. There are few opinions I have that are 100% certain, but that 911 was enacted with collusion, at the least, from US insiders is one.

  11. it happened but what was covered up is the fact that there were dirty nukes headed for the pentagon and the white house

  12. nope all an inside job so george bush could play army men. and kill 100's of innocent people in iraq.

  13. well my own common sense tells me no government would inflict that type of devastation on its own soil....................:)

  14. The conspiracy theories were all started by Ossie bin Liner and his mates. The WTC outrage was commited by Al-Qaeda.

  15. No, Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with the attacks.  He is just another in a long line of patsies.  Folks, stop getting your "news" from corporate TV and do some fact-finding on your own.  Plenty of stuff on YouTube (goggle "9/11 Truth".)  Lots of questions yet to be answered.  Open your mind, disregard the propaganda, and use the Internet while we still have it.

  16. Not sure, I think it was CIA then yanks could have excuse they needed to invade Iraq. That neo-n**i pig Bush was going to do it anyway.

    Yanks have done this dirty **** before, they blew up one of their own ships, the Maine, killing 260 of their own sailors so they could justify attacking the Cubans.

    I don't even believe the Yanks have been to the moon, think that was all a load a c**p too so they could look better than the Russians. If they did why aint nobody been since the 60's, nothing we could build could ever get past the Van Allen belt, never mind to the moon.

    I really wouldn't put anything past the good ol'  U.S of A. under 'mad dog' Bush.

  17. My own gut feeling tells me that Al-qaeda were responsible.

    Unfortunately, Bush & Blair instilled a lot of doubt into peoples minds with their lies about the weapons of mass destruction.


    Edit :

    To 'The Hooded Claw'

    Thanks for the vidio address - worth watching says the lot !
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