
WTF??? ECW scramble match?

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how the h**l can the bookers overlook John morrison for the ECW scramble match. The Miz should've lost to Matt Hardy instead and Morrison should've beat Evan Bourne. Morrison is much better than the Miz. Wonders never cease




  1. You see, this is what annoys me.  When "smarks" complain about HHH or Cena or Jeff Hardy, there is this outcry of "stop whining".  But I haven't heard one person say "stop whining" about the Miz and why Morrison isn't a face.

    Seriously, Morrison should not have been in the match.  You know why?  Because right now the Miz is the most interesting out of the two.  Yeah, I said it, the Miz right now deserves more of a push than Morrison.

    Before you say I'm a Morrison hater, go ahead and take a look at my list of favorite wrestlers.  Morrison has been on there and still is.  In my opinion, I would say let's talk about the what can happen now that Morrison does not have to be in the match.  He can s***w Matt Hardy and continue their feud.  He can get jealous of the Miz and s***w him and finally break into a singles career.  Morrison not being in the match makes him a wild card and ensures that he'll have a big impact on the match, instead of jobbing to someone in it.

    Seriously, you guys need to get all of this Miz hate out of your blood.  He's not even my favorite guy, but he is not c**p in the ring unlike, I don't know, Hornswoggle or the IC CHAMP Satino.  Just saying.

  2. i think it should have been like this Mark henry vs Matt hardy vs evan bourne miz vs morison

  3. I've noticed alot of people like Morrison, including myself. I'm thinking that if they turn him babyface he'd even be more popular than he already is.

  4. are you taking the p**s?






  6. No it was good but the Miz SHOULD NOT have been in it, IT SHOULDVE BEEN HORNSWOGGLE, im not joking

    check out my stone cold tribute

  7. agree with you

  8. yeah!!!!!!

  9. 100% agree!!

    If Miz wasn't in that match then it would be such an interesting close match..

    Miz is leagues below Morrison and the other guys in the scramble match.

    Morrison is an ex ecw champion so he at least deserved a shot. And Tommy Dreamer should be included aswell, he's a big part of ecw and an original.

    The scramble should be Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, Finaly, Chavo, Morrison and Tommy Dreamer, that would be an amazing match.

    But ECW messed up yet again, if Miz ends up champion at the end of that match, big mistake by ecw. big mistake.

  10. I'm not sure they're "overlooking" Morrison.  Morrison (Nitro, Blaze, Storm) has been a heel since his first appearance as Johnny Storm on Raw back in the days of Eric Bischoff...  and it's possible that The Miz may be taking a break from the tag team.  Both can be capable singles wrestlers, and as humorous as they are on the web, they're possibly making for a turn in the shows.

    Either way, I don't believe Miz should be in the match, either.  As much as I like Morrison, though, I think that someone else should be in the match, as Morrison has lost his on-screen persona as of late, due to the tag team.  Miz should be replaced with either Ricky Ortiz, or Evan Bourne...  The match has no spot-monkey players, so you won't see anything spectacular out of the match, when there should be.  

    Right now, I'm hoping that Henry retains the belt.  As much as I don't like him, he's become more of an interesting wrestler, and none of the others work as champ right now.

  11. matt hardy for ecw champion!!!

  12. totally agree.

    but i guess miz is just getting his push now.

    it would've been good to have kennedy in sd's but he's out 4-6 months with shoulder surgery now.

  13. I haven't liked how any of the scrambles have been set up, outside of Raw, of course.  There have been too many talents overlooked on both ECW and Smackdown!  I have no idea why Brian Kendrick is in this.  I love Spanky, but he's not on that level yet by any means.  I also don't get why the US champion is in a World Title chase.  WWE's been very strict as of recent years about having a double champion.  Unless it's the tag straps, they really don't do double champions.  It really kills the prestige of the US gold to even put Shelton in this match.  He should be defending at the PPV, not going for another belt.

    They could have easily injected Big Show and Ken Kennedy, two men who NEED the exposure right now instead of the Loose Cannon Jobber Squasher that is The Brian Kendrick, and the current US Champ.  Heck, I would have even been appeased if Umaga took Brian's place, because all this is doing is setting back guys who are slowly rising up the ranks to begin with, and lo and behold it's Triple H dishing out the damage.

    I smell a 20 minute squash coming.

  14. I agree John Morrison is an awesome wrestler, has a good gimmick, good mic skills, and gets lots of heat from the crowd....he should have been in the scramble match....he should be on smackdown or raw so he can aim for bigger championships!!

    He is the future of the wwe, and they should use him more, and put him against better competition...he is also very funny on the dirt sheet!!

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