
WTF? ?

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What are trolls. I always see people on here saying stuff like "Wow. If you don't know that, then you are a troll." I know people are probably going to say that I'm a troll for asking this but all I want is one real awswer. I really don't know.




  1. Trolls are people who post messages just to rile other people up- they're not real questions.  I imagine they're probably bored with nothing better to do.

    And your question didn't seem particularly trollish to me- no worries!

  2. Someone who usually makes a lot of accounts on Y!A, then spams up the place with questions like

    'ZoMg I iZ 8 N IZ pReGnAtE!?!11!?'

    and gives very rude answers to questions.

  3. watch your month ... you troll.. Get it =-]

  4. WOW! are their really people like this?!?! they need to get a life, good question! I didnt know what a troll was either, some people really need to get a life.It makes it a lot harder for people with REAL questions.

  5. people that spend their time on the computer on yahoo answers answering questions will silly no sense

  6. A troll is basically the most hated "thing" on Yahoo! answers.

    If you look on the help page of Y!A it will say that a troll is someone who coments about body functions(I just farted etc)and don't actually answer a question aside from wasting space by pushing the enter button as many times a possible that is the first type of troll the "garbage troll" .....the other types of trolls are generally considered more than that the most common type of troll is "reporter" which is someone who goes around reporting perfectly good questions that may be very lightly bordering on the community guidlines.

    The 3rd type of troll is the "clone" who impersonates a (generally)well-liked person on Y!A usually not actually answering the questions as the original would....but some do which make it very hard to actually find who is the "troll" and who is the "original" this "breed"(if you will) of trolls has been dying down somewhat.

    And the 4th type of troll is somewhat like the first who reports for no reason "stalker" they will add a specific person as there contact so that they can see there Q&A and then report them for like I said before no real reason generally resulting in a lost account from a generally well-liked Y!A member.

    So unless you want to be hated by 98% of the Y!A population don't become one

  7. a troll is someone who comes on chat sites like this one and stirs up trouble or asks obscene questions or things that are very very far fetch.   sometimes it can be a true story and others might see to never happen, so there for they call them a troll or a lyer...  

  8. A troll is basically a person on Yahoo who makes up lots of accounts and gives rude answers. They also ask stupid questions over and over again...

    They have nothin better to do

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