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Okay, on the subject of "past lives". I understand that many believe in them, however I cannot bring myself to. I have found that the overwhelming majority of people that claim to have a "past life" were always some kind of priest/priestess, king, queen, knight...etc. Nobody was ever some serf that had to clean the moat, or a peasant whos job it was to muck the stabels.

So, maybe I'm jaded, but, I find it hard to believe that only those that held high positions had a past life, if past lives is a reality.

Am I wrong to think this way and to dismiss claims of a "past life" as quickly as I do?




  1. no, your within your integrity.i believe --so-

    it should be more widely accepted that we are

    not all the same.thank god!

    if we were then one of us would be unnecessary,

    and thats not part of any plan.

  2. Oh, you're not wrong, and past lives may be true, but we have NO WAY of knowing who we were.

  3. my uncle beleives in his past life..

    & he was any other pilot who served in the army in world war 2. & there were millions of those. i truly beleive in past lives. But you make a good point. maybe the people who think they were queens & stuff are just full of themselves. But other, such as my uncle, truly remember there past lives.

  4. Ha! That is a major flaw with the idea. On the other hand, if it was true about past lives then you might be more willing to "remember" being a king or queen than being a grunt. On the other hand, not everyone could be Nefertiti or Tutankhamun or other famous kings and queens. How about being premortal spirits (waiting to be born) observing those who had already been born and observing kings and queens and what they do, and then misremembering that in this life as yourself being the king or queen?

  5. From your viewpoint, no, you're not wrong. Given what you have heard, your views make sense. But let me give you more information on which to base them.

    I am a Hindu and believe in reincarnation. I believe all souls return to life many, many times, but obviously everyone isn't a king. So there must have been some souls who came as lower class.

    You don't need to go to the middle ages to find someone's last life. Whenever someone dies, he or she ascends and leaves this life, returning after a period of healing and rest. A young child born May 2006 might have left his last life in March 2006.

    A lot of people want to believe they were extraordinarily important amongst other humans in their past lives, and perhaps they had several lives where they actually were. But we have all had difficult lives that are equally important. Some remember horrible lives and tragic deaths. But very few want to talk about that when they also remember being an emperor.

    We are reborn because a single life is not enough time to learn all the lessons we need to learn. And so our souls continue the process long after our physical bodies have faded into the past.

    To the billions of people who believe this, it is not simply a theory or idea. We see it as a basic truth of life, as fundamental as the concept of a child being born, growing into a man, and dying years later. It is what makes us who we are. Not just as humans, but as beings on this planet, in this reality.

  6. Some people do believe that they were someone important in a past life and are very disappointed when they learn they weren't. Individuals who say they were a king or queen in a past life are just gluttens for power. They have never found out who or even what they truely were, so don't be hasty to put them on a pedastal. But don't doubt past livlihood because of them either. I was told by an Apache shaman that I was a badger in a past life. I don't remember any of that life but I don't thing badgers had a

  7. i understand you skepticism because it seems every second person was Cleopatra or Henry The 8th but i believe strongly in past lives because i know my own quite vividly (and no i wasn't Cleopatra :P) if it helps the past lives i remember was an assistant to a healer in Egypt, a woman in Greece that went crazy and tried to kill a member of the senate, a hermit witch in France, a stag in Northern American and an obese woman who was a neighborhood babysitter in Italy. there you go, no kings or queens there :) *Blessed Be*

  8. I would love to have had a past life, and to be honest-- I think having been a normal person is something more important than having been a person of Royal status.

    The one flaw that there is in the idea of past lives and reincarnation is that the individual readily accepts the situation of those around them but is willling to make exceptions to the idea for themselves or those they dislike.

    "No, everyone else was a bad person so that is why they are poor...but God made a mistake and I was unjustly reborn in this low state." or "That person should have been born into my state." Things like that.
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