
Wallis Simpson?

by Guest62415  |  earlier

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What was the worst part of King Edward marrying Wallis Simpson: Commoner, divorced or American?




  1. actually I think that some other things might have to do with her not impressing the royal family--She pushed non British Idea--types of cars Buick  food(club sandwiches) had no "grace"

    It is alleged she had affairs with many men , an abortion ran a bordello, gambled, and passed info to the other side in a war........just wasn/t a nice person

  2. The only problem with Wallis Simpson was that she was a TWO-TIME divorcee. Many people didnot think that she'd stay with the King;they all thought that after a while,she would grow tired of Edward,get a divorce,take the title of Queen,marry someone else, have children-- all of which who would get some sort of title...

  3. Wallis, Duchess of Windsor allegedly became the Prince Edward's mistress and when he introduced her to the royal family, his father was outraged, primarily on account of her marital history (divorced people were excluded from court). The monarch of the United Kingdom is Supreme Governor of the Church of England — at the time of the proposed marriage, and until 2002, the Church of England did not permit the re-marriage of divorced people with living ex-spouses.

    Accordingly, while there was no civil law barrier to King Edward marrying Wallis, the constitutional position was that the King could not marry a divorcée and remain as King (for to do so would conflict with his role as Supreme Governor). Furthermore, the British government and the governments of the Dominions were against the idea of marriage between the King and an American divorcée for other reasons.

    She was perceived by many in the British Empire as a woman of "limitless ambition", who was pursuing the King because of his wealth and position. Edward showered Wallis with money and jewels, and in February 1935, and again later in the year, he holidayed with her in Europe. His courtiers became increasingly alarmed as the affair began to interfere with his official duties.

  4. Being Twice Divorced is probs the reason !

  5. the fact that she was an ancestor of our dear  friend camilla

  6. I think at time being divorced twice but I actually liked her she stuck by her man and people did not think she would it was true love and that is hard to find good for them.

    My nan bless her was discusted at time lol

  7. Anti~foreigner sentiment.  Snobbishness.  Also, she was married while they were dating, and no one thought a marriage between the two would last.

    ---Plus, Edward's next in line, his brother had a terrible stammer and was thought unfit to be king.   He became king, though, and is generally judged well by history.

  8. She was commoner,American and divorced. She was, in my opinion, very interesting woman. Prince Edward prefer her to throne!

  9. The worst part was that she was an ugly hag.

  10. it because she was divorced the king was head of the church so was nt good to be with a divorcee as she broke her vows

  11. it was because she was a divorced woman, and in those day's it was not a good thing, especially for royalty.

  12. Divorced I think....
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