
Waltz jump question...?

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When you attempted your first waltz jump did you fall?

I'm thinking of trying mine but i'm scared of falling on my jump.

Twice I have fallen, not from me but as I was just skating at the public session people have crashed into me and i have fallen really hard. To give you an idea of how I fell It was like jumping with your legs up in the air parralel and landing flat on your bum, which left me with a really, really sore spine for 3 days.

But once at practice I fell and it didn't hurt at all, I landed on my thigh.

So if I fall on my waltz will it hurt heaps? Thanks for your advice.




  1. no the first time I attempted a waltz jump i did not fall. No if you do fall on a waltz jump it probably wont hurt that much you have to get used to falling anywayz that comes alot with ice skating so you just have to eventually learn to fall to where it doesnt hurt as bad.But the first few waltz jumps just dont jump as high and as you do them try and jump higher

  2. no, i didn't fall, tho it was mainly because i was nervous so didn't get off the ice very much he he :)

    I've fallen a lot when learning jumps and there's hardly a time when i go skating that i don't fall. most of the time it doesn't hurt, its just not very nice :P every one falls. recently i had a rather ungraceful and freaky one when trying a salchow for the first time, but what helps is the fact i know I've fallen on it but I've gotten up and tried again :) so i know i can handle it.

    with the waltz jump, at first i just practiced stepping it by replacing the actual jumping bit with a FO 3 turn, and stepping into a landing position. then i practiced simple forwards to backwards two foot jumps, which also help a lot with self confidence and get you used to the feeling of getting off the ice. then put it all together :) you can either start it from backwards crossovers into a BO Mohawk, or from a stand still. just remember to pull your arms and free leg back behind you, then swing forwards as you jump, swinging your free leg up. also keep your knee bent when you land, it will be kinder on you knee and if you fall in this part it will soften the fall. (when ever you fall try to remember to bend more, e.g. relax into it. its not very nice sometimes, but it means you're learning...)

    i've heard mixed things about waltz jump falls - some people have had pretty bad ones and others are just fine. i think you should really go for it though. just be careful about it and most importantly have fun.

    good luck, merry Christmas and happy skating :)

  3. no, not the first time, but you will.  usually it doesn't hurt bad.  just remember how to fall: arms in, chin down, knees bent,  side of butt.

  4. Well, I do kinda fall when I attempted waltz. But they look more like me trying to cross a drain since there is practically no jumps.

    In this sport, you're bound to fall. If you don't fall, you're not trying hard enough.

    When you're still attempting, do it by the boards with the left side against the board. Then jump while holding the board. Stop looking at the ice! Haha.

    Have fun learning your jumps! If you're not afraid to fall, you'll learn faster. I find that 90% of the falls don't hurt. The 10% that hurt is when I try to fight the fall and end up falling anyway. Get intimate with the ice! =)

    Just don't be too stiff on the ice. You'll be fine.

    Best of luck!

  5. I don't really remember, if I fell....probably not because my first waltz jump was probably pretty wimpy. :)  That was a long time ago.  Just take it slow.  Start off doing waltz jumps without crossovers.  Stand near one of the hockey lines and jump "over" the line.  Practice getting comfortable with just the idea of taking off forward and landing backwards.  Don't forget your arms!  Make sure you're scooping your arms up when you jump.  When you feel more confident, try them from crossovers, but take it slow.  Once you're ready to go on from there, try doing 3 waltz jumps in a row.  Make sure you are kicking your right leg (assuming you skate "righty") through straight and split in the middle of your jump.

    After awhile, falling doesn't hurt at all.  I think when you're starting out, everyone keeps count of how many times they fall.  At that point, the falling hurts your ego more than your body most of the time....not that you can't have some spectacular wipe outs.  It sounds silly, but you have to be able to fall in skating.  If you're worried about falling, you're probably holding back and not allowing yourself to progress through jumps.  My coach had to actually "teach" me to fall when I got to axels because instead of trying to stay in the jump, I kept popping out early and stopping my rotation, thus my axel never got better.  When I wasn't so worried about falling, I stayed in the jump longer, completed the rotation and landed the jump....sometimes.  I fell a lot too, but it was all on the way learning the feel of the jump and the muscle memorization.

    Good luck!

  6. Well i don't really remember but i don't think I did. Maybe I did once or something. Skaters always fall and that is just part of the process of learning. It depends on what you did to fall on the jump. Sometimes its a little fall sometimes it hurts a lot. you never really know but just remember to get back up after a fall it isnt that much of a big deal because it happens a lot when you get to ur axels and doubles and things. Just hold on to the wall when your jumping and then after doing that a couple times step away from the wall and try it a gain. Practice ,practice.

  7. yes i did fall on my first waltz jump(which was really bad), but i didn't hurt myself. another time i fell on my tailbone and it was sore for a week. (it was because i attempted it without knowing how to)  try doing the jump off ice before y go on the ice. it helped my body remember how to position everything. remember it takes practice. when u can land your waltz slowly add height. when u are skating in public session find a spot where most people don't skate. maybe the corners or the middle. i remember i was doing a waltz and i bumped into a boy skater embarrassing! and falling and some bruises is all part of skating!!!!

    good luck

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