
Want Ten Points?!?!?!?!?

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the person to come up with the most ways to conserve energy and save our planet gets ten points! number them and do only one per line please! ex:







  1. green

  2. 1. Do nothing

  3. car pool

    drive hybrids

    use wind energy

    ride your bike to work

    use a bus

    plant trees

  4. No thanks.

  5. 1. Buy enviormenttally safe toilets.

    2. Buy recyled toilet paper.

    3. Buy recycled paper.

    4. Recycle everything.

    5. buy things that are enviormenttaly safe.

    6.Buy on the internet.

    7.Buy a hybrid car.

    8. Buy enviormenttally safe foods.

    9. Conserve energy.

    10.Save electricty and water!

    11. Get recycling bins.

    12. Walk or ride a bike.

    13. Wear warm clothes for the winter and cold weather.

    14. Turn off electronic things off when they're not in use.

    15. If you have a flush toilet, fill a plastic jug with rocks and put i in carefully. [ I learned that from the 50 simple things kids can do to save the Earth.]

    16. Buy enviormenttaly safe pencils and pens and other writnig and drawing tools.

    17. Invest wind, solar and renewable energy.

    18. Add this in your shopping list: Solar calcultors,

    19. Plant trees.

    20. Carpooling

    21. Buy floscuent light blubs.

  6. Why worry about "going green"?

    When corporate America isn't? When many countries around the world don't care why should I? As one person I can't change anything? 100 or 1,000 people can't change anything. Until 3rd world countries get on board with going "Green" it doesn't matter what I do. I'm going to drive where ever I want in my 15 mpg SUV, run my Heat/AC as much as I want, let the water run while I brush my teeth, drink lots of bottled water,and burn leaves in my back yard.

  7. 1. Check your air filter once a month by holding it up to a bright light. If you can't see through it, it's time to clean or replace the filter.

    2. Use ceiling fans rather than the air conditioner when possible.

    3. Close curtains and blinds to help keep the sun out in the summer.

    4. Make sure there are no cracks around doors and windows.

    5. Avoid cooling rooms that are not occupied.

    6. Improving attic ventilation and insulation can lower the temperature of your home during hot summer days. Also consider installing an attic fan to dispense hot air.

    7. Raising the thermostat to 78 degrees can save on cooling costs.

    8. Awnings, trees and large shrubs near windows all help to block out the heat from your home.

    9. Avoid opening and closing doors. Heat enters and the cold air escapes.

    10. Open curtains and blinds to let the sun warm your home in the winter.

    11. Keep drapes closed at night to keep warm air indoors.

    12. Check your air filter once a month. Replace dirty filters regularly.

    13. Ensure that your home has proper insulation in walls, ceilings and floors.

    14. Storm windows and doors prevent warm air from escaping.

    15. Keep your fireplace damper closed when not in use.

    16. Keep your thermostat at the lowest temperature comfortable for you.

    17. Avoid opening and closing doors. Cold air enters and the heated air escapes.

    18. Turn lights off when you leave a room.

    19. Use a timer or motion detector for outdoor lighting to turn it off when not needed.

    20. Keep your light fixtures clean.

    21. Fluorescent bulbs last 10 times longer and use 75% less electricity.

    22. Use your microwave when possible to heat food rather than your stove or oven.

    23. Make sure your oven door and refrigerator doors seal when closed.

    24. Make sure you turn off your oven and stove top after cooking.

    25. Using a small pan on a large burner wastes energy and can be a safety hazard.

    26. Cooking with a lid on your pan, keeps the heat inside and speeds up cooking time.

    27. Use a toaster oven to cook small items.

    28. Avoid opening the oven door while cooking. It lowers the oven temperature.

    29. Avoid running the dishwasher until it is full.

    30. Open the dishwasher after the rinse cycle and let your dishes air dry instead of using the heated drying cycle.

    31. Check your refrigerator door seal to ensure that the door does not leak cold air.

    32. Clean refrigerator condenser coils in the back and bottom to increase efficiency.

    33. Be careful not to block the freezer fan that allows cold air to circulate.

    34. Refrigerator temperature should be 36-38 degrees.

    35. Refrigerator freezer temperature should be 0-5 degrees.

    36. If possible, locate your refrigerator away from heating vents.

    37. Insulate your water heater and hot water pipes.

    38. Lower your water heater temperature. 110 to 120 degrees is sufficient.

    39. Use a “flow control” device on your showerheads and sink faucets to regulate hot water usage.

    40. Avoid washing clothes until you have a full load.

    41. Use a cold water detergent. The temperature of the water used during the rinse cycle will not make your clothes any cleaner.

    42. Dry laundry loads one immediately after the other to use left over heat efficiently.

    43. By reducing drying time, you can save energy and extend the life of your fabrics.

    44. Moisture sensing dryers shut off automatically when your clothes are dry.

    45. Clean out the dryer lint filter often to ensure proper air flow and shorter dry times.

    46. Turn your computer off at night.

    47. If you have a pool, set the pump to the minimum time required for the time of year. You do not need to run the pump as long in the winter as you do in the summer.

    48. Consider a solar heater for your pool.

    49. Turn off the hot tub when not in use.

    50. Unplug cell phones, cameras, lap tops, etc. when charged.

    Be green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. 1. Make sure your tires are fully inflated.

    2. Turn down the heat in the winter by 2 degrees.

    3. Turn up the air conditioner in the summer by 2 degrees.

    4. Unplug devices you aren't currently using.

    5. Buy a fuel-efficient car (hybrids are good).

    6. Carpool.

    7. Buy fluorescent light bulbs instead of candescent.

    8. Get solar panels.

    9. Buy energy efficient appliances.

    10. Ride your bike more often.

    11. Use public transportation more often.

    12. Insulate your home.

    Fantasy Sports Addict, how the h**l can you be a top contributor with an answer like that?  You obviously don't know much.  You'd be AMAZED if you found out how much CO2 you alone, as one person, could easily stop putting in our atmosphere.  Why are you putting all the pressure on third world countries?  The U.S. is only 5% of the world's population, yet we use 25% of the world's available resources, and now I see why.  It's because there are so many people like you who just don't care.  Clean up your act.

  9. Sorry i cant help u.

  10. 1.  The most effective way bar-none is don't have kids.

    Even if these kids are using very little energy, they can have kids, and those kids can have kids, and those, and those...  worst possible thing you can do for the planet (not that I'm not planning on it someday, but hey... it's the truth)

    2.  Invest in nuclear energy.

    3.  Invest in wind / solar / renewable energy.

    4.  Walk / ride a bike.

    5.  Smaller spare car for city driving or when not hauling loads (I live in the sticks, so a big truck is a must to own, but not to use all of the time).

    6.  Insulated buildings.

    7.  Turn off lights when not in use.

    8.  Turn off TV and other appliances when not in use.

    9.  Upgrade heat pump in house.

    10.  Learn to live with a few degrees colder in the winter and a few warmer in the summer.

    11.  Invest in battery companies improving battery technology.

    12.  Shop online.

    ok im tired typing.

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