
Want to go skinny dippin?

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I never done that is it against the law?




  1. if you do NOT get caught then NO it is not illegal, if you get caught make sure you can find your pants FAST..

    Ill drive,, I know the perfect spot..

  2. Depends where you are.

    In most places, technically no, it isn't.

    BUT..... "Indecent exposure" is illegal. However, indecent exposure, in law, requires 'prurient intent'. If you just feel better swimming nude, that's not prurient and you shouldn't be convicted - but do you want to bet on a jury understanding that distinction?


  3. yes-9175139757

  4. technically its indecent exposure but it depends who witness's it and what the attitude of the cop is better hope he is a male or she is into that kinda thing

  5. The law varies from one country to another. What you want is perfectly legal in Australia and New Zealand. Try to do it without breaking the law. Have a nice experience.

  6. Not at my

  7. Nudity laws are based on community standards so the vary from area to area. However you don have to worry about it when you own your own pool.

  8. strewth i would love to but it is winter and the water is REALLY cold,(well that is my excuse and i am sticking to it)

  9. I'm dressed for it as we speak.

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