
War on Iraq?

by Guest21209  |  earlier

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Do you think the War on Iraq was right? Do you think it can be justified?

Please give reasons and say which country you're from e.g. Canada, UK etc.





  1. It wasn't justified because they didn't attack the twin towers, and they didn't have weapons of mass destrution. Now, it is the reason that the terrorists may prevail after all; because it is draining the U.S. of resources including all the money and the military. The money wasted there already could have solved any problem in the U.S. that could be helped by money, for example: It could bail out Social Security, find and develope more oil and other sources of energy, or just pay part of the cost of oil and keep the prices down, apprehend and deport all the illegal immigrants(using the military would help with that too), repair all the damage done by natural disasters, pay the medical expenses of all the uninsured people, fix all the roads and bridges that were built after the great deppression, etc.,etc. You know all the problems that the candidates have to say they will try to find a way to resolve.

    That's what we've spent on Iraq so far. But if we keep it up, we will have nothing left. The U.S. dollar will be worthless, the govt. will fall apart because there won't be any money to run it. We won't be able to take care of any of our problems; like another natural disaster, of any of the stuff we already have to work on. The military will be depleated of men and money, so we won't be able to defend ourselves.

    Who cares about Iraq, and especially that much? The terrorists don't have to bother to blow up something over here. We are going over there to so they can blow us up at their convenience.

  2. I'm an Australian who is also an ex soldier who did 2 tours of Iraq.

    I disagree with the whole false WMD pretext on which we went in there with. However I wholeheartedly support the troops there. Some of the American soldiers I encountered are without a doubt the bravest men I've ever met.

    Should we have gone there? Probably no. We should have gone straight in after Desert Storm.

  3. I believe the war was based on lies and was a criminal act

    --Planet Zoran

  4. the war "in" Iraq.

  5. No.


    Saddam had never attacked America, had never threatened to attack America, had utterly no reason to attack America, had an inifinite number of reasons (including thousands of US nuclear weapons) not to attack America, and was a tiny impoverished war ravaged country on the other side of the globe that had no conceivable means to attack America, the most powerful military the world had ever seen. The idea that Saddam was a threat to the USA didn't pass the laugh test, it was like Arnold Swarzeneggar claiming a one year old with a squirt gun was out to kill him. Say what?

    As for the idea that we were helping Iraq by removing a dictator, the Saddams of the world are a dime a dozen. Historically dictatorships have the best chance of evolving into democracies when they are left alone, as happenned in most of latin America and Asia, not to mention Portugal and Spain, during the decades following WW2. Efforts to impose democracy by conquest have about a 30% success rate, making the idea of "freeing Iraq" by invasion problematic at best.

    And of course we can see what a smashing success it has been. The only stable secular functioning government in the region has been destroyed and replaced by fundementralist corrupt local warlords. And of course there was no Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq before the invasion, there is now.

    American, USMC veteran. (Amazing how the people in the Bush adminstration who thought invading Iraq was a great idea almost universally managed to avoid serving in the military themselves, nu?)

  6. i think its gone on long enough, and all the troops should come home.


  7. The troops no matter what should be supported as their only reason being there is that that is their job. I am Australian and we have never supported the invasion. It is a war on oil and that is all. Shame on those that have inflicted pain and suffering on innocent people including the troops.

    So what ever your opinion honour those that have fought for your country no matter the reason as they are the ones doing the dirty work for governments that are just after money.

  8. I'm from the US.

    I think the war was right considering what they did to our country. I also think President Bush is RIGHT for keeping the troops in Iraq. Everyone wants him to bring them home but then what-- then we forfeit the war and all the men before them died for NOTHING??????? I think the men should only come home when we have WON the war and it is OVER. =) Look- i wish this war never happened- but IT DID. and people need to get over that and realize that it isn't a joke.

  9. The war was a farce sold to the American people.

    Though it  is a success to the people who lied to us.


    1. Have a strategic military base in the middle east

    2. Control the oil

    3. War profiteering for politically connected corporations.

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