
Was 9/11 a conspiracy ?

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I have seen many youtube videos about 9/11 being set up by the government. If anyone has any information, opinions, or stories about that, please let me know. THank you.




  1. idk

  2. Conspiracy by which Government?

    Saudi Arabia?

  3. conspiracy??  lol is this a joke

  4. It's only a conspiracy to people who are TOO STUPID to READ THE REPORTS.  I get so tired of these stupid conspiracy theories...  Next time... GOOGLE IT... before you make yourself look foolish be parroting one of these moronic conspiracy theories.

  5. yes it was a conspiracy

    some radical fundamentalist Muslims got together and conspired to use air planes as weapons to attack the USA.

    the plotters were members of al qaeda

  6. It appears to be at least in part a conspiracy.  Col. Robert Bowman summarized it well with these words

    "… at least they made it impossible for those planes to be intercepted.  If our government had merely did nothing, and I say that as an old interceptor pilot—I know the drill, I know what it takes, I know how long it takes, I know what the procedures are, I know what they were, and I know what they’ve changed them to. If our government had merely done nothing, and allowed normal procedures to happen on that morning of 9/11, the Twin Towers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would still be alive. My sisters and brothers, that is treason."

    - Dr. Robert Bowman Lt. Col., USAF, ret., Decorated air combat veteran; head of Star Wars programs under Presidents Ford & Carter; Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech; leading expert on national security.

    The question "who was behind it" is more complicated. It certainly was not President Bush although he does know was.

    Understanding motivation for 9/11 requires an understanding of what the President's father, George H.W. Bush, meant by "New World Order", in this words "a big idea". In short, "new world order" means global government.  There are so many theories about new world order that people overlook what is happening NOW.  That is, gradual implementation of global government and dismantling of national sovereignty. I discussed it in more detail in my answer to this question:-;...

    Learn about the Council on Foreign Relations and how globalist organizations control foreign policy. See:-


    Read from the CFR's web site and its publications (including North American integration) and connect the dots. It is patently obvious that CFR wants global government.

    The global government proponents are not exactly shy about their ideology.  Freedom and democracy are not in the plans. The vision is similar to communism, with wealthy elites and corporations controlling the government. The new world order crowd is well on their way to success. We are already half way there with the WTO. How laughable it is that most people think that North American union is a myth yet there is a draft bill in Congress opposing it (HR40) .

    The Constitution and Bill of Rights are major impediments to global government. An excuse was needed to begin the dismantling thereof, and 9/11 delivered that. How convenient was it that a single event also served (indirectly) to induce us to accept illegal war.

    If the official excuse that air defense and intelligence failures were honest mistakes, then why were people at the top not held accountable? If the government was a corporation, heads would have rolled and there would have been mass-firings, including the CEO. That did not happen after 9/11. Rather, people responsible for "mistakes" were promoted. The first order of business should have been addressing the reason for the failures and firing many people. Instead, the government chose to start the gradual and on-going undermining of the Constitution and creation of a surveillance state in America.

    There is a great deal of compelling evidence for government foreknowledge in the 9/11 attacks.  You can read about some of it here:-

    Also see this one hour video taped speech of Mike Ruppert

    Keep in mind that if the government was involved, it was not "the government". Rather, it was criminal elements inside the government and their associates outside the government. Most members of the government were honestly deceived, threatened into silence, or frightened into self-censorship.

    The corporate main stream media protects the criminals by muzzling the 9/11 story and painting anyone questioning it as a radical moron so as to divide the people and discourage any questioning of the official story.  I discussed that in more detail in my answer to this question:-;...

    As 9/11 was EXPLOITED to kick the global government agenda into high gear, it is more fruitful to focus 9/11 learning on "why" and "who benefited" rather than the "how was it done". We may never know how it was done because much of the evidence was illegally destroyed.

    To inspire thought about "why", research the neo-conservative think tank "Project for a New American Century". Read its 2000 manifesto, "Rebuilding America's Defenses, Strategy Forces and Resources for a New Century", describing their geopolitical aspirations. It seems eerily familiar to what we see happening now.  This page contains a summary as well as a link to the full text:

    Learn who the members were and their ties to and positions in the Bush administration and the CFR (for starters, d**k Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Scooter Libby, Richard Perle, John Bolton, William Kristol .. ) Is the word neo-con starting to jump out at you?  Don't let that mislead - there are neo-liberal ties to 9/11 as well.

    Also watch Mike Ruppert's film about geopolitics, criminality in government, evidence of foreknowledge and exploitation of 9/11:-

    Ruppert only briefly connects the dots to discuss global government then the film ends abruptly. Watch for that, otherwise you may mistakenly interpret his message as meaning the wars are merely about peak oil.  

    Ruppert also discusses Zbigniew Brzezinski, foreign policy adviser to Obama. Brzezinski's ideology is eerily familiar to that of PNAC.   Look up Brzezinski's connections to PNAC members, Council on Foreign Relations, and globalist and traitor, David Rockefeller.

    Both Brzezinski and PNAC were prophetic about the need for a false flag operation to kick off the war plans.  9/11 served their geopolitical agenda marvelously.  [It was intentional that I did not pluralize the word "agenda" in that last sentence.].

    For a full understanding of 9/11, it is very important to know the flaws of the 9/11 Commission and its investigation. See the speeches of David Ray Griffin, both at Google Video:-

    To assist with analyzing the 9/11 Commission Report, use the report mirror at "911 Research" site. The mirror addresses the problem that the official report online is not presented in a way easy to evaluate (hmm). The mirror ties it all together with hyperlinks and commentary to note contradictions and omissions.

    Main page -

    Report Mirror -

    Families of victims of 9/11 documented frustrations with the 9/11 Commission in their film:-

    Don't buy the myth that is just kids, kooks, and hippies questioning the official account of 9/11. There are high profile people questioning 9/11.  See this list for a sampling:-

    Patriots Question 9/11

    Even some 9/11 Commissioners have spoken publicly about obstruction to their investigation. Surprisingly, that story was covered by main stream media (a rarity for anything that questions the official account of 9/11). See:-

    If you do your own research, be careful. Government disinformation sites exit all over the web, designed to throw you off the trail. They discredit truth seeking by putting out ridiculous theories that are easily debunked (e.g. the "no planes theory" ). There are paid agents all over the web posting as users in forums like this one. Some of my Yahoo contacts discussed that issue recently, in this question:-;...

    For online 9/11 research, you might start with this well-sourced site:-

    Arab terrorism is real.  The terrorists hate us because of our foreign policy, not because of our freedom. Despite shoddy port and border security, we have not been attacked here since 2001. Hmm. Why then is dismantling civil liberties more important than securing borders and ports? For ports, the reason is there is no real threat. For borders, the reason is the criminals pulling the strings in government WANT illegal immigration. Dissolving borders is necessary for North American union and later for new world order. That political parties blame each other for failing on illegal immigration is just pageantry to forestall action. Both sides want illegal immigration because both sides have been hijacked by globalist interests.

  7. I think it was a conspiracy, but what do I know. All I really know is that the government is a bunch of screwy idiots who wouldn't have made it in the medieval times.

  8. Everyone says it is. I guess we'll truly never know

  9. I don't know -- but a lot of peculiar things happened that day.

    1.  George Bush was informed of the second attack and he continued to read "My Pet Goat".

    2.  Israeli secret agents filmed the attack from New Jersey.

    3.  Jet fuel burns at temperature . . .

    There's dozens of these.  All very weird.

  10. ummmm. yea and no

  11. It was NOT a Conspiracy. Wherever you heard this garbage from AIN'T TRUE.

  12. Find the DVD Loose Change. You can get it off of Limewire or Frostwire or find a torrent for it. If you can't find it email me at and i'll send you the file.

  13. Lets see we hired Radical Islamics to fly airplanes into the world trade center in order to kill thousands of our own people then we contacted Bin Laden and told him to take the blame for it!

    Please people lets have some common sense!

  14. next question

  15. whatever, our govt should go down in the history as the worst govt to ever have been in power!!

  16. It definitely was a conspiracy. The Islamic Fascists that executed those attacks must have conspired for years to pull it off. The YOUTUBE videos you have seen are also part of a conspiracy by the far left loons who hate our country and what it stands for.

  17. no it wasn't a conspiracy. it wasn't planned by the government.

    look at what your saying YOUTUBE. if it was on 60 minutes that'd be different, all the youtube videos are depicting is random photos of the government and headlining them with stupid thoughts like "GOVERNMENT PLANNING 9/11"

    its stupid.

  18. I think t hey were involved, as they'd given a LOT of money to the Taliban shortly before it happened and the Taliban was all cozy with Bin Laden.  Supposedly, the money was to fight drugs---but the Taliban is one of the biggest dealers of opium in the world.  It just doesn't make any sense.

  19. Only for people who are off their meds.

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