
Was Biden lying then or now?

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One year ago; Obama is not ready to be President, McCain is the better pick. Now he says, McCain is not qualified, Obama is. One year ago; I will not run as anyone's VP for the Dem party. Which is it? Then Now? Both? Dem's say he says what he means, straight talk. Has to be a lie in there somewhere in that case.




  1. Yay! More flip flopers running for president/VP.

  2. McCain was against drilling offshore in May. In June he was for drilling. Was he lying then or now?

  3. Well, you know, people can change their minds, and circumstances do change.

    Let me make a wild guess.  You are voting for McCain.  Ha.  

  4. Maybe Biden is as confused as Obama.

  5. Answer..He is not lying

    Comment....Well, it's one thing to change your mind, it's another to have lost it.."I get back to you on that" McCain.

  6. Neither. It's called "changing one's mind".

    you could try and claim that you've never changed your mind about anything, but you'd be lying.

  7. Biden never said McCain was the better pick ever.  Unless you have a video of it you can't prove it.  Since Biden is now VP, I say that he never said it.  Perhaps you should look at McCain when it comes to telling lies, they've been telling whoppers.

  8. It's not Biden's fault that McCain has turned into the biggest political w***e in all of Political Whoredom.

  9. Question to you..were his lips moving?

  10. Biden has a long history of putting his foot in his mouth. He also has a long history of stealing other peoples words, but the last time he was asked, he reiterated what he said, so, apparently he believed it.  

  11. so what he changed his mind? you have a problem with that?  and didnt you know biden was running against Obama and its normal to make statements like that

    Accept it. Live it...  Obama and Biden will change America for the Good

  12. You betcha.  Lying is what Dems do best.

  13. Neither.  He was running against Obama when he said that.  Now, he is running with him.  

  14. Politicians don't lie. They may respond inappropriately, change their minds after reviewing the facts, misunderstand the question, or maybe even have their statements taken out of context, but they don't lie.

  15. Yes, he was. Now and then.

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