
Was HITLER...?

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..A Democratic President, that moves his country and surrondings to the Top, but the whorse International Relationships and the War takes him to Ruin???




  1. A truth democratic elected premier, his down fall due to lost of war and his imaged was taunted by living jews.

  2. Hitler was a Stool Pigeon..

    Bush is a Stool Pigeon..

    Saddam Hussein was a stool Pigeon..

    You have too look at who's making the money from these wars...

    The central banks?

    The Federal Reserve?

  3. No he was not a democratic president  because he was not chosen by the people as in a democracy where free elections are held.  moreover, he did not move his country to the top but instead brought to ruin and damnation through his aryan policy of superiority and cleansing of minor (to him) races such as the jews

  4. i just know this much that his ideas were pathetic..........n***s thought whatever he was doing was for the welfare of his country..............but he was terribly wrong

  5. your question is intelligible.

  6. He was elected democratically, but that's as far as that went. He completely stripped the German government of democracy. Many of the people he re-employed went to shoddy labour camps.

  7. Hitler wanted an imperialistic world order. He wanted the war and had planned it since his days as a messenger boy in World War I.

    I'll give you though that his International Relations abilities were horrid. :)

  8. Hitler was democratically elected, but then abolished democracy in Germany after taking power and became a Totalitarian dictator.

  9. It was exactly the unstainable levels of growth and consumption of industrial resources that led germany to go to war and for hitler to push for this. He realised that to maintained this nation as a power while surrounded by powerful nations the labourpower of people and resources would be needed. This is why he origonally wanted to push eastwards toward the caucuses to get oil and the resource rich Urals in Russia as well as the excellent Farmland of the Ukraine.

    He was also in no way democratic and was infact appointed chancellor by the German president Von Pappen I think? I cant remember. Also he suppressed, imprisoned and murdered all political opposition.

  10. No, I do not believe that Hitler can be considered a democratically elected president.  First, he lost the election for president in 1932 to von Hindenberg and was appointed Chancellor by von Hindenberg to mute his voice and the voice of the growing n**i party.

    When Hitler finally became president / fuhrer in 1934 it was only after the death of von Hindenberg and the Reichstag eliminated the office of the president.

    It can also be argued that the elections of 1932 and 1933 were rigged.  Due to n**i suppression of opposition parties.  Remember the fire at the Reichstag, blamed on communists but actually staged by n**i henchmen and the "Night of the Long Knives" a political purge that eliminated a lot of opposition to Hitler's power.

  11. Oyé tio.  ÃƒÂ‚¿Queires saber algo de Hitler?  Busca aqui:

  12. Nope hitler was a dictator and liked the idea of imperialism

  13. He was the quintessential collectivist.

    Two thumbs down.........ah, the revelation of the pedigree of ideas........

  14. War was one reason for him being on top. He did favor democrats though he wasn't one but vary close to it he blamed all his problems on other people much like the dems.

  15. A totally demeaning question. Neither candidate can be realistically compared to Hitler and neither party to the n**i party of Germany.

  16. My question:  Is Zwo retarded?

  17. No, he was a psychotic, sadistic, killer, with nothing going for him. He was a squat little man that had no morals or internal ability that did not include intimidation.

    He did not improve his country in anyway, except to make them the scourge of the world because of the actions he mandated.

  18. Yes, he was democratically elected and had ambitious plans for his country. He started autobahns and the VW car, for the good of the people.

    Then he invaded Poland and decided to take over as much of Europe as he could. World war two in 1939.

  19. hitler did not run a democracy nor was he a president
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