
Was Jesus a vegetarian?

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I have been told that Jesus was a vegetarian. I was also told in the bible that he was serving fish and it never stated he ate them. Also he never told us the difference between eating a cow or our dog.

I am a vegetarian and I do not eat any fish, chicken, or eggs. I live this way for morals. Can someone give me some real answers not negative answers. Thanks




  1. Scripture states that Jesus kept the law.  

    Keeping Passover is part of the law.  Part of the Passover meal is lamb - along with other things - all done in a certain way of course.

    So while I personally know of no verse where it states what Jesus ate - other than 'he ate' - it would be safe to suggest knowing such facts to say that Jesus was not a vegetarian.

    That isn't to say that he disapproves of such - actually several verses within scripture would call such a suggestion more than questionable - but answered only within the parameters you set within your question.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Jesus was probably not a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't approve of you being one! Many argue that the bible condones the use of animals for survival (think of Cain and Abel), but I believe the essence of it all is a personal choice...

  3. The first question to ask is did Jesus exist and if Jesus did exist was he anything more than a carpenter and how was that possible? I have a feeling back then if he did exist he probably didn't eat all vegetarian unless that was all he had. Usually people ate what they could get and in some cases it was a heavy veg. diet but in others they did eat lots of fish and meats because that is what they had too eat.

  4. The loaves and fishes story suggests he was not a veggie. And the clincher is that he had his disciples eat his flesh and blood.

  5. I've heard "rumors" that Jesus was a pescovegetarian(sp) {only ate fish}  that would explain why the catholic and orthodox churches continue to allow fish when abstaining from meat during lent/fridays.   I've never gotten a better understanding of this until I heard the "rumor".  and I've even asked a priest.

  6. I don't think anyone knows really.

    I personally like to think vegetarianism is in line with his values/teachings.

  7. Difficult to say. But either way, I certainly think a vegetarian lifestyle is compatible with Jesus's teachings. At the heart of his message was grace and compassion for others, and in adopting a vegetarian diet, you are doing exactly that, for humans and animals alike.

  8. I don't think there's any explicit evidence of Jesus being a vegetarian or being a non-vegetarian in the Bible. The Bible is interesting regarding vegetarianism, as there is a passage that directly states that God intended us to eat plants (rather than animals) and another one stating that we have permission to eat animals. I guess it depends on where you look.

    In short, whether Jesus was a vegetarian or not, I doubt he'd object to you being one.  

  9. The Garden of Eden, God's perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30). Immediately, God calls this ideal and non-exploitative relationship "good" (Gen. 1:31). There follow many years of fallen humanity, when people held slaves, waged war, ate animals and committed various other violent acts. But the prophets tell us that the peaceable kingdom will be nonviolent and vegetarian; even the lion will lie down with the lamb (e.g., Isaiah 11). Jesus is the Prince of Peace, who ushers in this new age of nonviolence. When Christians pray, "Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven," the one prayer given to us by Jesus, this obligates us to change our lives, to make choices that are as merciful and loving as possible. There will be no factory farms and slaughterhouses in heaven.


  10. I do not know if He was a vegetarian or not. But I do not see where in the New Testament it tells me not to eat meat.

  11. I cannot tell because the Bible specifically the New Testament, is not a book about food or eating.

    Personally, I don't think he was a vegetarian. Unlike today's kids (the "i wanna be a vegetarian but my mom won't let me" kids) he would have eaten what he was given. Joseph the Carpenter would certainly have expected lamb or fish at the table.

    Maybe He never told us the difference between eating a cow and eating a dog because He thought it would be obvious and we can tell the difference on our own.

    He certainly drank wine and according to today's vegetarian experts, wine which is filtered with isinglass, would not make it suitable for vegetarians.

    Lastly, I think Jesus would be more concerned about the state of  your moral right and freedom to choose.

  12. Not being smart here.

    I don't believe in "pietistical hogwash"( such as the Bible).

    Jesus wasn't suppose to have brother's or sisters either and he did.

    To many inconsistencies and very hypocritical.

    "The Virgin Mary" is nonsense.

    To much to mention.

    ( Yes I was raised Catholic). That translates to "dig down deep and send 10% of your earnings to the Church).

  13. He ate what God said was good in Leviticus as He was born and raised a Jew

    They ate lamb and goat and calf, fish and eggs and pulse etc:


  14. There's a lot of debate about it, but who knows? We'll never know the truth.

    Some people say he was veg, others say he is not. The Bible is open to interpretation and everyone seems to have a different view on whether Jesus was a veggie or not.

    That being said, personally I think that since Jesus is said to be compassionate and merciful I would have thought he would have abstained from flesh foods.

    Vegetarianism seems to be an appropriate expression of Jesus' love for all creation.

  15. It is true that in the beginning, mankind only ate vegetables (Genesis 1:29-30). However, this was changed when Noah departed the ark.

    "Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant." (Genesis 9:3)

    Under the Law of Moses, the eating of various kinds of meat was allowed (Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14:3-20). The eating of beef, lamb, various poultry and fish were permissible for any Jew. Jesus' eating of these animals would not violate the Law

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