
Was John Wayne a racist?

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I heard he described himself as a "white supremacist".




  1. and you're going to argue because you think he's g*y as he wore a pink bandana?

    get off your horse and drink your milk sonny - he loved all kinds of women :-)

    (he also couldn't ride a horse)

  2. I don't think he was, although a Wikipedia's user known primarily as "HARVEY Carter" and behind several other sock puppets is notorious for spreading this and other wild rumors about Duke and other classic actors (even about Jimmy Stewart, such a respectable and loved actor) over the net and even got BANNED FROM WIKIPEDIA for TROLLING, FABRICATING EVIDENCES and for using OFFENSIVE and ABUSIVE LANGUAGE. So, seems to me that these kind of accusations have no credibility at all. Such malicious claims most likely have been started by this infamous TROUBLED INDIVIDUAL in the first place. John Wayne never said he was a "White Supremacist". His exact words on an interview in the May, 1971 playboy issue were: "I believe in white supremacy UNTIL the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.". He obviously meant "supremacy" in the sense of "highest in rank or authority", since a "White Supremacist" would assert that white people are superior to black people ALWAYS, not only "UNTIL the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility". Using "politically correct" words: "At that historical moment, white people were the 'highest in authority', but the black people would eventually be prepared and share that power and responsibility", which eventually happened. Wayne certainly made a very unwise choice of words, since if you look for "white supremacy" in a recent dictionary, you will find the following meaning: "the doctrine based on a belief in the inherent superiority of the white race.", but clearly that wasn't what he meant at all. To read what he said and say "he described himself as a 'white supremacist'" is a complete distortion of the whole thing, which by the way is very consistent with something that would come from "HARVEY Carter".

  3. He was certainly very right wing. He played a racist to perfection in "The Searchers" Was he acting we may well ask?

  4. Aren't we all? You can bet your life somebody somewhere will find something to make every one of us racist regardless of our colour, race or religion.

  5. I DOUBT  i believe he more like stuck up for his color like anyone normal would and things these days don't even know what the word racist means and comes and trys to turn it around mainly at white people !! if he was the closet things he come to racism was living in 1930 and acting like any 1930 civilian would !!!!

  6. Get on ye'r horse, pilgrim!

  7. The h**l he was.

  8. No he was not a racist.!!!

  9. You're just jealous he got to shoot so many indians!!

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