
Was Steve Ganson right or wrong?

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steve ganson referee'd the bradford and leeds game on sunday was he right or wrong to give the try off his own back without consulting the video referee?




  1. I was in the stadium at the time.

    Everything happened very quick (combined with the fact i was coping with the previous days skin-full) i believe the try-scorer was offside.  Throughout the whole game the referee didn't make any decisions, always consulted, so I'm very surprised he made this one.

    Should of consulted the TV.


    Loomy G

    (P.S. Millenium Magic was an awesome event, buy tickets for both days next year! See you there!)

  2. Ganson was wrong - he let his ego cloud his judgement.

    I'm a Warrington fan and he did it to us a couple of times last season and gave tries to the opposition when they shouldn't have been and disallowed valid Warrington tries in live Sky games when he could've gone to the screen. Even that muppet Stevo said Warrington had been hard done by and he's usually anti-Wire.

    Bradford has been unfairly cheated by a little h1tler and his over-inflated ego.

    Unlucky Bulls fans, but would there have been such an uproar if it was Warrington v Salford instead of Leeds v Bradford... probably not.

  3. its about time that the ref only calls the video ref if he/she needs to . his decision is final, so he was right

  4. He is right to back his own judgement but at such a crucial stage of the game an out break of common sense would have referred this decision to the video ref for confirmation.  His reasons for not going to the video ref are dubious but even more of a concern the award of the penalty on the advice of Mr Clown. Video refs are not supposed to advise the referee other than when consulted and not to report alleged infringements to the match referee.

    Both officials have been dropped for this weeks appointments a very big decision by the fat man as its a Challenge Cup weekend and will have no affect on there Super League appointments.

  5. it was such a wrong chose because it was so clear that leeds were all off-side.

    it was a good match though.

  6. as a Bradford bulls supporter i have to say WRONG he consulted the video referee on silly occasions but then when it really mattered  he decides to make the call himself and then look how that turned out

  7. He was wrong! Three times he went to the Video Ref over Bradford tries. All of which were disallowed, and were at not so crucial phases of the match. In the last second of the match, even if he was 99/9% sure it is a try, the use of the video ref is a total must!!! There is no way on earth even a numpty like Ashley Klein could have given the try, so the ref was wrong!

  8. Well yes he was. It was a bad decision, which with hindsight, and the technology of the video ref he should've gone to the big screen. At least he admitted it though....

    The most alarming thing is the Ashley Klein confession too...

    The RFL should learn that full-time refs does not necessarily mean better refs.

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