
Was he wrong to hit me?

by Guest59181  |  earlier

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Me n my brother were fightin coz he kept touchin my feet n I hate peope touchin my feet he also turned my laptop off 2 get my mad intentionally.

My dad got up n hit us both round the head. As he was hittin my brother I hit him back n told him he couldnt hit me, im nearly an adult n 2 old to be hit (im 17). He hit me again n said behave n pushed be backwards on 2 the sofa. I stood up n told him again not 2 hit me n he did the same again (pushin me backward on 2 the sofa) after doin this a couple more times my brother started shoutin stop hittin her n I started cryin n got up n came up 2 my room. My brother came up aswell n my mum was like whats wrong? I could hardly talk through my tears n then screamed (louder than I have ever screamed in my life) "get out ..I hate dads guts I hope he drops dead!!" ..My mum went downstairs in a frantic asking him what he had done to us and he told her he tapped us. My dad is way taller and fat and im only 5ft 1. Imagine what 1 of his taps feels like!




  1. YOU were WRONG for getting in his face and TELLING he can NOT hit you...just cause you are 'almost' an adult is c**p...  

    "As he was hittin my brother I hit him back "  So YOU hit your father and YOU tell him he can NOT hit you... How grown up is that...?

    No matter if you are girl or boy , YOU NEVER get in somes ones face and TELL them he can NOT hit you.. EXPECT to be hit..

  2. He will be always wrong to hit you. I can't believe your mother lets him get away with that. You poor  things...

  3. Nobody has a right to hit you. It sounds like you and your brother were just kidding around, and I think your dad took it the wrong way. Your father had no right to hit you or push you, especially multiple times. You should tell someone.

    Your brother was standing up for you and it's great to know your not alone in feeling this way.

  4. He over reacted but to be honest at 17 you shouldn't be behaving like that it sounds like you were being very childish. Anyway talk to your dad about it when you have calmed down, everything will sort itself out.

  5. don't like it get emancipated and leave.otherwise follow his rules.

  6. The parent is always wrong to hit the child, whatever age they are. It shows they are incapable of appropiately dealing with their kids. Your dad could be charged with child abuse if he does this often. You need to talk to a trusted adult, which in this case may not your mom, because if she supports this she is also at fault.

    I'm sorry this is happening to you, I hope it gets better.

  7. I didn't read the deets, but yes. he totally was, no matter what, no matter who it was, yes it was wrong if a guy hit yyou hard enough to make you ask this question, even if it wasn't all that painful, it was obviously was emotionally distressing to you, so yes. it was wrong of him to hit you.

  8. i cant undastand u when u tipe lik this

  9. they are your parents. they can hit you at whatever age in my opinion.

  10. As soon as I noticed that you are a girl and i saw the words "HE hit me" I didn't like it. No man should ever hit a girl. Even if it is his daughter. My father never hit me throughout my whole childhood. Plus he hit you hard and your so little. He must not realize how intimidating it is for a person to have someone much larger and stronger hitting them.  He could get into serious trouble for doing that. Stay away from him for a while unless he approaches you to apologize to you.

  11. difdferent views of the same situation. yelling back at him probubly really pissed him off. as a father you expect respect from the children you have raised. not mouthy noisy annoying aurguments which happen in every house.

    it was a wrong situation and no he shouldnt have kept it up. but you werent helping. back off and if your brother keeps messing with you then walk away. like you said you are practically an adult.

  12. no he wernt wong for hitting you an dont back chat respect ur elders!

  13. well from what you've said YES! he seems totally wrong for hitting you!

    it sounds like your father may have an anger issue.

    if whaat you said is true and you didn't do anything more than fight with your brother then yes your dad was totally wrong for hitting you!

  14. No!!!! I find you wrong and im a teen I usually agree with us

  15. yerr 17 is DEFINATLY too old to being hit especially if your a girl :(

    tell your mum to have a talk with him if he dont listen to you

  16. yes he was... my dad got mad at the for throwing the phone after my friend made me mad and he hit me and i hit him back and then he pushed me on the couch and i kicked him in the nuts...  after that i left the house and didnt come back till that night

  17. no hes should not have hit you and your brother

  18. I think you should relax! He should not have hit you but you may be exagerating. You are not injured are you?

    Hate is a strong thing, only fools revert to hate.

    Hes your Dad,he would never really hurt you. It seems like it was just a mistake.

  19. the way you described it, yes itwas very wrong of him to do that, it does not matter if he says it was a "tap" it was wrong of him to do that to you

  20. he is wrong to hit you

    it is hard being 17 - people still see you as a child but you are not really

    stand up for yourself but dont shout - stay calm because calm has more effect than shouting

    an adult will not shout - right?

  21. How about you grow up & stop 'fighting' with your brother.  Your 17 for gods sake.

  22. I believe in spankings, but this does not sound like a spanking.  I would call social services and report this.

  23. talk to another family member .if this has happened before i would go the police

  24. STOP CHILD ABUSE ! tell the police if he does it again, he has no right to do that. Let's kill him .

  25. Even without reading the information, just by the title I can tell you that the answer is "yes".

  26. No excuses he was wrong to hit you and you're brother, big fat bully. You're a young woman now and even if you were a child it wouldn't excuse walloping you, he may be playing it down with you're mum but talk to her when you're calm and keep you're voice level and quiet.

  27. no tht aint rite !

    he shouldnt have hit u and u had every right to tell him not 2 hit u! ur mom is rong about u deserve it! even if uve said some bad things tht dont mean tht u deserve to b hit! and yeah he clearly didnt tap u if it pushed u into the sofa!!!!

    tht isnt rite im rlly sorry

  28. yes he was wrong to hit u i think u have a big issue with both your mum and dad , he should have let u and your brother sort out your own problems.we all get mad and say and think bad things try and talk to each other.

  29. Well yes he was wrong but stop fighting with your brother.

  30. Tell ur mom what happened. There was no need 4 him 2 hit you and make you cry.

  31. My dear Belinda....

    h**l  Y E S - he was wrong !!! No parent should ever use any <FORCE< on their children!!! Only peoploe who can not "verbalize" themselves in a "conflict-situation" tend to physical abuse & it's always abusive to "hit" someone!!! Your Mom is guilty as well, because she should always be on the children's side !!! If such a behavior reoccurs, you should contact a "child-protective-agency" !!!

    Hope things calm down in your home...Greetings from Germany...Annette***

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