
Was i assulted?

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I'm 14 and the other day at school at lunchtime 3 boys in my year that i know cornered me and tried to lift up my skirt and touch me. I was so scared that i pushed one away and ran. I didnt tell anyone cause i was so shocked. At the end of lunch one of the boys came up to me, grabbed my arm and said if i told anyone that they would hurt me.

I know they didnt get that far but i am freaked out . What if they try to do it again? I dont know what i should do! Please help me!




  1. yes tell ur parents to tell the princable

    that happened at my school to my friend  and she and parents told the princable  

    and thay got detencion for the rest of the year and was suspeneded for a week and a half!

    it will feel inbarrising tellin the princable and your parents but it works and they wont bother you EVER angain

  2. YOU NEED TO TELL SOMEONE! No if's ands or buts about it! If they did it at lunch time someone had to have seen! YOU NEED TO TELL SOMEONE. If you don't have anyone to tell, there is a toll-free number that you can call.

    I have been in similar situtations! Please Check this out!!

    If you need anything! 1-800-448-3000

    Girls and Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000

    24 Hours/7 Days A Week

    The Girls and Boys Town National Hotline is a 24-hour crisis, resource and referral line staffed by highly-trained counselors who can respond to your questions regarding runaways, family and school problems, pregnancy, suicide, chemical dependency, sexual and physical abuse. Every day of the week, 365 days a year. Call with any problem, anytime.

  3. Yes, that is considered sexual assault (or at least attempted assault). Report it to the principal first thing tomorrow morning!

  4. yes tell someone incase they try it again stick with ur friends and dont go anywhere alone please tell ur parents or ur teachers this is not on

  5. I'm so sorry!

    Report them to the police and tell your parents!

  6. Yes, this is assault. Please tell your parents, as they are not allowed to do this to you, and they are not allowed to make you feel this way.

    Your parents will probably tell the school, and they will probably also get the police involved. You are their daughter and they would not want anything bad happening to you. Also, these boys need to be dealt with - their behaviour is wrong and it needs to stop. If you tell someone, it might stop them from taking the next step and committing rape.

    Just tell your parents that you were scared and embarrassed, and didn't know how to tell them. They will understand.

  7. I am a 38 year old police officer and e-mail me at and please i think that we should talk about this over e-mail.

  8. Absolutely tell your parents and the principal. I'm sorry that happened to you. You really need to let your parents and the school aware of what happened regardless of what the boy said to you. If it happens again it might be worse or they may do that to another girl and who knows what might happen. Please for your own safety plus the safety of other girls tell on those boys. Your parents and the school would want to know of the bad behavior that happened. Good Luck!

  9. as a mom and a grandmom i am so sorry and shocked and hurt for have to tell .if you don't then the odd's that they will try again jump through the roof..fear is a cage inside our head's the key to getting out is there too. set yourself free tell someone an adult any adult..stand strong now so you never have to look back and wonder what if....i know u think cause there's 3 of them and only 1 of u..who are they going to belive..but truth alway's win's out in the end.. it won't be easy but you will be safe tell someone i'm begging u to

  10. omfg tell the d**n school and your parents

  11. Report them...they won't stop....they had no right to do that to you...and they've probably done it before...

  12. what does kids did to u is called sexual harassment. u should report them to the principal and they will take care of them. don't be afraid to stand up for what u want. it for ur own safety.

  13. you need to tell your parents so they can call your school and get something done with these boys

  14. Yes you were assualted, go to your parents and tell them what happened.  If you can't go to your parents, talk to someone at school.  Those punks need to be stopped.

  15. go tell the teacher. if they tried to d osomething like that there gonna get in deeeeeepppppppppp trouble. they won't kill you because they would be in trouble. this is gonna bother you forever and get you into deep depression. you should tell the teacher/ principal and have them deal with you. if they know that they got in trouble they wouldn't do anything again, and hang with a group. or friends, and if you don't have anyone to hang with or your passing at a diff. time, hang with PEOPLE dosen't matter if you like them, hate them, or don't even know them, bullies won't hurt you with other ppl around.

    **p.s. take tae-kwon-do and learn how to kick peoples a**!=)*

    **p.s.s., GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<333*

  16. Yes, the fact that you were scared makes it an assault.

  17. Please tell your parents and together reports the boys to the principal. You got luck this time, but what will happen if they corner you again? What is the next girl does not get away?

    It is your responsibility to tell, to protect yourself and the next girl they will target on, because it will happen again.

    How guilty would you feel if one of your friends was attacked and you knew you could have prevented it by just speaking up?

    The fact that they did not actually had a chance to do anything does not diminish their intent.

  18. Oh wow! Sweetie, are you okay? That's terrible of them! The same thing happened to me when I was thirteen. (they were friends of mine in eighth grade though) I told, and they were suspended for three weeks!

    Please, tell! If you do don't, won't you feel bad for the next girl they do it to? She will probably be feeling the same feeling as you!

    Tell your parents first, and then your princible! If you do, those boys probably won't be in school to hurt you! Don't worry! Just tell, please!

  19. TELL YOUR PARENTS RIGHT AWAY that is against the law and the police could get involved

  20. Yes. They could try alot more. i would report them so somebody will know. learn some self defense or something. beceause it is so easy to get raped anymore. if you dont do anything they think they got away with it and will do it when ever they want. do something. good luck . be safe :)
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