
Was i possessed by a demon?

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about 6 years ago, ( i know along time, but i only realised it now) i think i was possessed by a demon. i dont know WHAT made me do it, but i swore at god througn prayer like mad, told him all this stuff which i never meant. and then after that, i was absoulutely terriefied of saying the name "Jesus" or "god" and i know if i did i would go insane and be so depressed. i felt like god was going to come down and attack me and i was so scared. after a few months it wore of and i was my usual self. and i said sorry to god about 38573895793872 times. i know i wasnt myself when it happened because i didnt want to talk to anyone and i wanted to be excluded. do you think it was demonic possession?

1 minute ago - 3 days left to answer.

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1 second ago

forgot to add, i dont know whether this makes any difference but know i have a HUGE obsession with the paranormal and i don't know what started it.

i now also have a huge obsession with the paranormal and i dont know what started it.

ok i posted this same question again in a different topic, cause i was afriad i wouldnt get as many answeers in the other topic lol.




  1. It is possible that you have an anxiety disorder namely OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). This is where you keep on having compulsive uncontrollable thoughts about certain things for e.g some people fret constantly that they need to do various gestures in order for everything to go well with them. For e.g some people constantly feel the need to wash their hands fifty times a day (which are called rituals by psychologists). Some persons who has OCD suffer from other things as well and one of them can be that because they have an intense fear of God they feel that by doing certain gestures (such as constantly daily making signs of the cross, praying a particular prayer everyday etc) that they are okay and that God won't be angry with them. (I think this is similar to what you do have).

    It is also possible that OCD could also have a demonic element as well. This is where demons take advantage of the anxieties you have to keep you in constant mental bondage. As such I would highly recommend that you go to a psychologist as they are well trained to deal with anxiety disorders. In addition you can go to a pastor for counselling, prayer and support as demons oftentimes love to take advantage of people.  

  2. no

  3. it was me, my bad.

  4. From what you have described, no, you were not possessed.  There is certain criteria that must be in place before a possession can be identified. You did not and have not fallen into the category.  My thoughts are that you are a normal person who needed to vent their frustrations upon God.  

  5. Probably but if it wore off then u good let it go k keep me posted:)  

  6. well I totally don't believe that u were obsessed, because something like God doesn't exist for me, maybe you had a problem that was driven u crazy, or ur parents were excercising too much pressure on you. and this paranormal stuff is maybe just an interest. other people collect swords and middleage stuff...  

  7. I am almost sure that you were NOT demon pocessed. It sounds more like a brain chemistry inbalance.

    You only have to say that you are sorry to God once. God is full of grace and peace.

    It is ok to be interested in the paranormal.

    To me it sounds like you might have OCD obecssive complusion disorder. And some depression.

    It is important to keep balance in life. Eat well, exercise. converse with other people and get lots of sleep. This is the best way to balance your life.

    Make sure you see a doctor and  you might need some medication to balance out your life. This happens to many people.

  8. Maybe you were saying in prayer what you really wanted to say to someone else.  Was there anybody you were angry at at the time?

  9. Do you honestly think anyone from this room has the qualifications to tell you that, YES you were possessed?

    Being that you haven't included the history of what lead to your breakdown, it's hard to make an assumption.

    The people that have "demon possessions" are religious people.

    Because your religion taught you that there are demons.

    People that don't believe in god will tell you that you've had some kind of a psychological breakdown.

    Again, you did not indicate the history behind this.

    Whether you were overwhelmed with a family member, school, friends, boy/girl friend, job, illness, etc.

    No one from this room is QUALIFIED to give you a bona-fide response.

  10. Relax. I guess it is possible that you were possessed by a demon but I do not think so. I have said the most hateful things to God when I was younger.  Maybe it was just a confusing time in your life?

    I have always been intrigued by the paranormal as well. You sounded like a normal teenager.

  11. Being the kind of person I am... many bad things happened to me because of paranormal issues.

    Possession I believe, is not possible due God's protection of free will against other entities (as taught in the bible, the devil has NO power over you, and if he can't, neither does a lesser one).

    Maybe just some chaotic state you got in, can't tell...  

  12. maybe your house is haunted or u just had a nervous attack

  13. No You were never possessed... But it is possible for demons to control you mind and make you do or say things that are no so nice.. Now onece a human is possessed that demon will never leave your body until it is forced out by  an exorcism.... Or the intervention of God or one of his angels... And believe me you will know that a demon was forced out of you and no demon wants you to mention God's name when they are in control of your mind or body or both at the same time....... and being a paranormal researcher and investigator I too have an huge obsession with the paranormal.......... And never be afriad of posting your questions... For help can come from so strange area's.............

  14. Take it easy Naomi,

    There's no such thing as demons. No evidence that can't be explained by other means. Even you tube doesn't have anything believable on it! In my experience, if people get too involved in reading and thinking about the paranormal they can lose perspective. If you can, put away the weird/paranormal books and try to forget about all that stuff.

    Call up a friend and go out somewhere. It's summer! It's very hard to worry or obssess about stuff when you're out with friends. Seriously, the world is wonderful enough without worrying about magic and demons!! Ignore or stay away from people who encourage this kind of negative stuff.

    I hope this helps and you can move on : )

  15. no. You weren't possessed. I agree that it sounds like maybe you were just afraid and letting your imagination run wild that God was going to hate you. But he doesn't. Even when we get angry with him, he always knows how you truly feel, deep inside. He understands. And he would never EVER come down and attack you. Sounds like a guilty conscience run wild, because once you made amends with God, it went away.

    Besides, demons cannot just jump into your body like that. And if--IF--one were to actually do that, which is VERY VERY rare, you'd know it. Trust me on that one.

    You're fine. Peace, love and light to you

  16. It is possible. Sounds more like you were going through a depression. Now that you have repented. Gods forgiveness is yours. Don't worry about the past...Oh if you focus on the paranormal often, you will start to freak yourself unless you like feeling like you did, I would stay away. The spiritual realm is very real. Don't mess with it unless you can handle it.  

  17.   EVil spirts are rare, most are benign orindifferent. That isn't to say there are no bad guys out there, we have them on Earth,so when they pass on  and refuse to go to the light, they may hang aruond the Earth plane causing havoc. THey do not have the kind of dramatic powers that are seen in the movies . I have never seen or encountered one,and I have seen a lotta spirits.

      Don't worry ,God does not attack ppl. The Old Testament vengeful god was the product of primitive tribal imagination. The true Creator can only be benevolent or at worst, neutral.

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