
Was i scamed?

by  |  earlier

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i just got a letter from the Linenbarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP it said i had to pay $114.00 to the city of L.A. i called and they told me it was something about wellfare. the account read "CALWORKS OVRPYMT". so i paid it in full. then somebody told me too check it out becuase it could be a scam since i do live in a very high part where there is a lot of i.d. theft. the problem is i don't know how so could you tell me where i can or if you know then just answer the question.




  1. it's such an iffy topic. i would look to see if there's a number to call. and address, just plain google the business name. there's always better business bureau. i think it's bbb. gov or com or something. i personally have never heard of goggan blair & sampson.

  2. You can start by checking your credit report and spotting any irregular info like unknown addresses, credit accounts etc,. you are entitlrd to a free credit check once a year and if you find anithing irregular file a police id tefth report and a claim with the credit bearus I when thru thatpainfull experience and is not pretty good luck.

  3. Were you receiving CalWORKs benefits (e.g. foodstamps)?  If not, I would think that you've been had.

  4. The fact that the letter didn't even spell out the word "ovrpymt" sounds like a red flag. I would not call any of the numbers on the letter because they could just be directed to the scammer's basement workshop. Instead, try searching "Linenbarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP" and call their main number. Explain to them that you received this letter and wanted to verify it was not a scam. Also, try calling the Department of Wellfare for Los Angeles. I am sure you can search them on yahoo also to get their number. Explain your story again and see if they can help or redirect you to someone who can.

  5. a letter saying something about a company, and saying you had to pay to the city....and apparently its an overpayment...if you are up to date with everything, i dunno bills and whatever, then yes you were scammed.

    just the fact that its an overpayment and having to pay to the city of L.A to me just doesnt make sense.

    i just looked into the company and apparently its some law firm, so it could be legit, i would understand if you pay the firm due to an overpayment, but a firm saying pay the!

  6. If you get a bill or something from somebody saying

    you owe money.

    First thing first, is there a telephone number that

    you can call. Beware of ones that DO NOT HAVE

    toll free numbers if you live out of state.

    Find out what this is about.

    Also, you have access to the InterNet, all you have

    to do is put whatever information you got in a

    search engine.

    Company's name, address, phone number, etc....and

    see what pops up.

    Also, check with your local Better Business Bureau

    on this mystery bill you got.

    From what you said, it seems you got taken in

    a scam.

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