
Was it supporting Clinto or Edwards?

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At the democratic debates in Las Vegas last night John Edwards pointed out that Hillary Clinton is taking contributions from special interest groups (he failed to mention that she is also taking contributions from convicted felons that Bill commuted their sentences and at least known felon who was wanted by the FBI). When he did there was a lot of booing from the audience. I took this as a show of disapproval for Clinton taking the contributions; however, I heard a discussion today that said Edwards was being booed. I still believe the booing was directed toward Clinton’s contributions. She is the bad element in the conversation; surely the people were not booing Edwards for letting the people know the truth. If Clinton does not want people to know she is taking this kind of money she should not be accepting it. What do you think; was the booing against Clinton or Edwards?




  1. I do not know who the booing was against.  I only know that every Democrat on the stage was better than any of the current crop of Republican you believe it, 3 of the Republican top runners do NOT believe in Evolution???.

    Whoever gains the Democratic nomination will get my vote in November '08 period.

  2. The boos were not support of Clinton but more a lack of support for what was seen as attacking another candidate.

  3. Hillary Clinton has the right to receive contributions from supporters unless the acts are against Election Laws.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

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