
Was it the wrong side?

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I dropped a piece of buttered toast and it fell buttered side up. Did I butter it on the wrong side or was I just lucky. Also if there is a right and wrong side to butter toast, would the theory hold for just bread? I know that this is a deep question but please do your best.




  1. ??????????????????

  2. it all depends on the height and how fast does it spins. do an experiment and drop the bread from a high position with different force, different speed.

  3. r u bored? to make a topic like this and omg ...iono u were lucky? but i would not eat food off the freakin ground u dont no where its been sure it looks clean so does alot of things  

  4. I guess you were just lucky

  5. I think that the fact that the bread landed butter side up meant that you were meant to have that piece of bread despite the plans gravity had for it.  

  6. Bob, surely you realize something is seriously wrong if it landed butter side up, don't you?  

    Have you had your house exorcised lately?  You never know what spirits might have invaded there.

    To be safe until you can get a qualified exorcist out, please butter all your toast on both sides!  

  7. Yes you right, this is too much of a deep question for me to answer.

  8. d**n your bored!!!

  9. You obviously buttered it on the wrong side.  Buttered toast doesn't operate on a lucky/unlucky policy.

    If you could harness your ability to butter toast on the wrong side you could be onto a winner.  Your strategy could help to save thousands of pounds in lost time when people drop their toast and have to clean up mess and are therefore late for work.

  10. No wrong or right side.  I would get a life if I were you!  Worry about something more worthwhile!

  11. Bob - there are some things it just doesn't pay to think about too deeply - just eat the toast and get on with your life!

  12. i always butter my toast on the slightly more cooked side for some reason, but i dont think there is a wrong or rite side, there 50, 50, both even and insactly the same,  if u buttered it on the other side would u still be asking the same question??

  13. I think you need to go back to bed, Bob.
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