
Was it worth it though???

by  |  earlier

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Well, it's my freshman year and first year of playing football ever. I started on July seventh and was totally out of shape. I wanted to quit but I kept going. I went to every practice and the grueling two-a-days. Now that the season started, I'm not a starter. I mean I worked hard. I was gonna play right guard but I don't think I'm right for it now. I weigh 140. I'm nothing more then a bench warmer. How do I get better for next season?




  1. I Might be a girl that plays softball but i no

    for ever sport that ppl want to be better at they

    get personal or group cost a bit but it will

    get you bttr

  2. Depends whether you really want to be good in football.  If you do, yes definitely.  If you don't love the sport, then no.  I've seen a number of players when they start in the sport really suck.  But with work many of them became some of the best in the country and world.  Look at Michael Jordan for instance.  He never even made the high school basketball team.

    One thing I've found though is that the person who ends up winning normally puts in about the most time and effort of the people he's competing against.  That time and effort doesn't guarantee you'll be the best but it improves your chances dramatically.

    There are times when I didn't think I have a chance to win.  But I buckled down and became one of the best in the country at what I compete in.  I don't play in sports, but I think it applies to most anything you do.  With sports, it definitely takes hard work but you do have to have a little bit of talent too.  For some it comes easier than others.  

  3. Do Not Quit ! ! ! ! Give it your very best and the best will come to you.

  4. Well it was definitely worth it. Don't take it as a bad thing. you never know what may happen. The starter may get hurt and it will be your time to shine. If you were not in good shape, I wouldn't expect you to even have made the cut. Make sitting on the bench be a positive thing instead of a negative out look. You get to learn the offense, defense and game itself. Just continue to work hard by working out, eating healthy foods and making the most out of practices. Take things one step at a time. Your chance will come.

  5. Join a gym and work hard.  Get built and into good shape.

  6. well exercise and i think yuo did good

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