
Was there two creations?

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The bible speaks of six days of creation which happen approximately 6,000 years ago. This is several billions of years short of what scientist say is the age of our earth. Than comes the question about the dinosaurs and other prehistoric humans and animals and peopel




  1. No, from a natural point of view, it is said the one day IS AS 1,000 years to the Lord, there is no telling how to measure that, because we have no point of reference where time and God meet.

  2. I believe that these six days could be interpreted different. We look at a day as 24 hours. A day God could be talking about could be billions and billions of years. God in the Bible was never clear on the time span of a day. Also as for the Dinosaurs they could also be one of the animals. I think God made many attempts and he did not always go about in a direct manner. The way the scientists believe the Earth was made is how God could have made it so that there is an explanation. He was never clear in how he made the earth just that he did.

  3. There are many different creation stories, every culture has their own interpretation, so there are more than 2.

  4. good question but i have no clue but its possiable you should get a reaserch grant and become a archeolgist and go to seminary school or something its a great question and i mean it

  5. To add to the first comment.  I agree with the fact that God's six days of creation were not 6 literal days, the Bible states that a day to God is like 1000 to us and that is just for us to get some insight on the fact that we really have no idea how long it took him to make everything.  Also, it was not that he made it (the earth) and it didn't go according to plan, God created everything exactly how he wanted it.  He willed it to be.  THAT is how it was created.  He said "Let there be light" and the sun was created. So on and so forth.

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