For a few months I was interested in lucid dreams and had alot of them by training my self to get up after only 6 hours of sleep. Not all of them seemed as real as others. But one day I got up and used the computer for a few minutes then laid back on the bed for a quick few minute nap. Then all the sudden bang I flew out of the bed I and my gosh this was realistic I felt like my spirit came out of me. I walked through the hallway and seen everybody in the house as normal, I went outside really excited bouncing and jumping off things, I couldnt believe it was not real, I even was talking real loud to see with I was using my real voice or not, bounced off a car and few halfway across the city, woke up after only after a few minutes. It seemed strange because it felt more real than life and I couldnt feel my body at all its like i detached from it. What really was wierd was I woke up from the same place I did in the dream.