
Was this paranormal?

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Yesterday afternoon I was at home alone and I kept hearing a strange knocking. It seemed to be coming from the front door, but I wasn't expecting anybody. After a few minutes it went away. Was this paranormal?




  1. I see no reason why this event would need to be described as paranormal.

    Nothing quite like an intrepid investigator to get to the bottom of things.  Good show young man.

    And haha, good one.

  2. mailman...?

    it would be paranormal, if you come to that door and saw no one on the other side and it'd still be knocking...

  3. Was there anyone at the door when you heard the knock?  If there wasn't then it was a ghost.  I have a heard a door close without seeing anybody there.  I also have seen a file folder move by itself.  My friend told me the house he moved into was haunted because weird things were happening like a loaf of bread would fall to the floor on its own and his wife found bread in the freezer when she didn't put it there.

  4. I don't think it was.  It was probably somebody trying to get you to answer the door.  Could have been a Witness or somebody from a political party.

  5. It was probably your mail carrier, a door to door salesman or a neighbor.  If you hadn't seen anyone but still heard knocking, then MAYBE it was paranormal.

  6. Why would you automatically jump to the conclusion that it was paranormal when you didn't even open the door to see if anyone was there first? The chances of it being paranormal is pretty slim compared to the chance that it was just someone knocking.

  7. No, someone was probably knocking on your front door.  Just because you're not expecting anyone doesn't mean they weren't there, and it was a ghost instead. Get a grip.

  8. I am psychic and have had many experiences with spirits wanting to get my attention.  It comes with the territitory.  

    But, I don't think your expreience was paranormal.  If your looking for activity then everything will seem to be paranormal.  Just look at it logically and rule out every possibility of what it could of been. Keep an open mind and you will know the difference.

  9. Hi...

    It cant be paranormal...When sth happend like this be quick and try to understand if someone is there or not...dont sit and look...

    I dont think it would be paranormal

  10. It was the afternoon,don't be afraid look out the window.Of all the possibilities a paranormal monster is certainly one of the least likely.

  11. Probably not.It could've just been some little girls selling Girl Scout cookies.

    I know what you mean about not answering the door,my family and i don't open the door either.There are a lot of dangerous people out there.
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