
Was today too early to test?

by  |  earlier

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I think I'm experiencing implantation bleeding, I have this weird metallic taste in my mouth every morning, and I've been super tired since last weekend. I ovulated on the 10th or 11th, and should start my period late Sunday or early Monday. I got antsy, so I did a First Response hpt today, but it was negative. I think I tested too early, but I still feel disappointed...should I?




  1. well i guess depends...on the person....implantation occurs different in each woman...they say anywhere from 6 to 10 days after conception that the egg implants..that is when the HCG is released once egg is implanted...i would give it till sat maybe and try again...any test that has a sensitivityof 25mUI will show anywhere from 4 to even 6 days b4 missed period just like i said really depends on woman cant really go on those they all say best time to do it is when period is missed but i know how hard that can be im currently waiting to see if i am pregnant i ovulated on the 14th so period doesnt start till the 28th so im trying my best to wait lol...GoodLuck! But dont feel disappointed quite yet...sometimes it can take up to 12 days after ovulation just depends really

  2. if you are really having implantation now then yes, a test is too soon.  the cells have to implant to the uterus and start producing the pregnancy hormone before a test would even pick it up which would be several more days if it is only implanting today.  also, you cant have a pregnancy metallic taste in your mouth this soon if you are implanting today because your body isnt producing the pregnancy hormone yet to give you any symptoms at all.  

  3. I also ovulated on the 11th and have been getting negative results.   The soonest to really get a result would be saturday according to my ovulation calendar.  But your symptoms so far sound hopeful.  Good luck.  

  4. If you want to test again before your next period is due, try saturday. I got a positive the day before my period was due. I had implantation bleeding 8 dpo and was peeing like crazy the next day! I understand you feeling disappointed.

  5. Oh honey - dont feel disappointed, yet.  If you ovulated on the 11th - that only makes you 9DPO - not early enough to detect on a HPT.  For best results, wait until the day your period is expected, then test.  You're not out of the game until TB (The *****) arrives hehehe

    Good luck...

  6. yes to early. Wait and see.

    good luck!

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