
Was your child ever taking zantac?

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and where he or she ever fussier while on it?




  1. dd on losec, doc prescribed it for gurd. weaned off it after 2 months and she's fine now

  2. My daughter's on Zantac. She's a little fussy right afterwards. I think it's because it tastes REALLY horrible. Zantac can cause drowsiness in infants, so maybe your baby is just sleepy and cranky?

  3. My son took it for a few months (6 weeks - 4 or 5 months old)

    It didn't make him fussier -- at least not that I noticed.  My little niece was also on Zantac when my son was (they are the same age) and I don't think it made her fussier either.  They would get fussy if a dose was missed or if the dose was late

  4. Yes my daughter was put on zantac at 3 weeks old. She seemed good at first, but about a week afterwards became fussier than before. This lasted for about a week or 2 and it got better. Shes now 3 months old and still taking it. However, if the fussiness gets to bad, the doctor can prescribe him/her on something else. It might not be working the way its suppose to be or strong enough. Good luck, babies with acid reflux is so sad! My daughter is starting to get better with it and hopefully will be completely done with the zantac withing a month or 2.  

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