
Was your mom right?

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in telling you NOT to get a motorcycle when you were a kid????




  1. my mom had a B.M.W. boxer twin!!!!!!

  2. Yes,  I borrowed 5 bikes when I was young and wrecked 3. I did not buy my first bike until I was 48, and my Mom still does not like it. My Mom lost a close friend in a motorcycle accident when she was young. No one will ever change her mind.

  3. Yes she was! ... (Mom's are ALWAYS  right.)

    If I'd gotten my hands on a bike while I was that young,

    I would have gotten hurt.

    (Bikes also got so much better that by the time

    I did get one, they were pretty safe compared to

    what I wanted to buy. (Most riders today can't

    understand how much the breed has improved. )

  4. She couldn't say much when my Dad and Uncle had a motorcycle shop.

  5. I don't recall her saying anything like that, but by the time I came along I may have had the "broken in" version, (I have 5 older brothers and an older sister). And of course I paid for it and the insurance myself.  That made it a little easier to swallow, I think.

  6. She was wrong.  She said I'd kill myself, but I didn't.  I had one 'major' accident in which I broke three teeth and twisted on leg enough to have to stay off it for a couple of months.  That was in 1971.  Since then I've been okay.  I've had two or three car accidents but no bike accidents serious enough to injure me.

    When I was 17, still living at home, a friend of my dad's gave him a Vespa, meaning it for me.  Dad 'lent' it to a friend of his and I never got it, and years later I realized this was only because Mom didn't want me to have it.  I am still angry about that.  But, also funny, once I moved out of the house she didn't care if I got a bike or not.

  7. Well, she never did that. My dad had bikes when I was a kid, so my mom could hardly object if I wanted one.

  8. Your mom has always done me right;)

  9. Mom was cool about me getting a bike, but she did ask me when I became the people she warned me about.

  10. Probably...I was a bit to irresposible and would have probably gotten killed. But, she loves the HARLEY I have now!

  11. Nope.

    And now I get three times the mileage of her "safe" shltwagon and waaaaay better performance.

    Life is for living in the wind, "Sunlight on chrome, the blur of the landscape, every nerve aware."

  12. if your a big fan of Fmx you should because you can get practice so when you grow up you can b like Travis Pastrana

  13. Mine never did, she even  came to the drags and would cheer for me. Lost her last year to Alzheimer's  and I sure miss those cheers.

  14. When I was a kid? She still tells me that even though I have one.

  15. My mother bought my first motorcycle it was a RM125

  16. No, but my mom was pissed when my dad traded his FLH in for a Goldwing.  It's been 22 years and I suspect she is still a little peeved about it.
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