
Washing up?

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Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we can divide up the washing up between the members of the flat next year? There will be five of us (but we feel washing up immediately after we eat isn't very efficient). Preferably something that yields an equal share, since one of the flatmates currently doesn't do them at all.




  1. You need a rota, any one not keeping to it will have to pay a fine.

    Why is it not efficient to wash up after eating?  I do it all the time and on my own too.  When my 3 kids were at home they had to do it between them, again on a rota.  1 washes, 1 dries, 1 puts crockery into cupboard.  You need to be organised and leaving dishes to pile up makes the task much harder and unhygienic.

    Sounds like you are typical students and think you have better things to do than housework, but it still has to be done and believe me organised is best.


    If you all do it together as I have suggested after meals, and then anyone having snacks, drinks etc washes up what they have used right away, then the problem will be solved, no more messy kitchen!!

    You need to have a plan of action and adhere to it.  You are concerned enough to post this on here so work something out and see the others keep to it.

  2. Depends on what washing you talking about.. Specify

  3. Get everyone to chip in to pay some lovely local person to come in and do it cash in hand.

  4. 2 Options:

    1. All Chip In To Buy A Dish Washer

    2. Have A Time Table 5 People, 5 Mid-Week Days:

    Person 1 - Monday

    Person 2 - Tuesday

    Person 3 - Wednesday

    Person 4 - Thurday

    Person 5 - Friday

    At The End Of Everyday That Person Has To Wash The Dishes.

    As For Saturday And Sunday,

    Each Week Is Different

    week 1- Sat & Sun- Person 1

    week 2- Sat & Sun- Person 2

    week 3- Sat & Sun- Person 3

    week 4- Sat & Sun- Person 4

    week 5- Sat & Sun- Person 5

    Hope This Helps!

  5. I've lived in a house (4-bedroom) with 7 other people (all typical students aged between 17-24), and I can tell you that the only way we managed was to sign a piece of paper on the wall when you did it (if you did the drying that counted too)..that way we could tell who was doing it and who wasn't, and when one person did more than others, they were banned and the person who'd done the least was made to do it.

    Oh, and if one person cooked for all of us, they didn't have to do the washing up at all for that worked most of the time!

    hope that's helpful!!!

  6. get a rota system going.

  7. Weekly rotation? Or just do your own dishes after you use them...

  8. You should just switch days between the five of you.  Or do the dishes together.  Are you from England?  Flat?

  9. Its very organised of you to get this sorted out just now. I would suggest a rota system, whereby each person does the dishes each night. This also helps with other household chores like cleaning the bathroom, hoovering, and suchlike.

    Or you could toss a coin.....

    Or you could all chip in to buy a dishwasher.....

  10. weekly rotation. But while somone is washing up.. someone else can be drying. etcc.

  11. If you all sit down together to eat I would suggest you take it in turns, if you all eat separately or at different times I think you should do your own.

  12. sounds sad but my friend did this;

    get a chart and divide all household chores on it:

    ie full clean of bathroom

    washing up.

    hoovering /cleaning shared living areas.

    putting the bin out when full.

    have a written set of rules  - ie. clean bath after use- put rubbish in bin.

    then for each week allocate a duty to one house member.

    so week 1 john washes up,week 2 does a full bathroom clean, week 3 empties the bin etc.

    get everyone to agree in advance.

    if someone doesn't fufill their chore - then they still have to

    do it but buy a takeaway for all or a round of drinks. or stick

    £10 into a fund that you all spend every six months.

    as you have 5 you will always have a majority and majority

    rules in the event of a dispute

    happy house share!
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