
Wasp Nest??

by  |  earlier

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I live in England and have a 7 yr old daughter who is allergic to wasps. About a week ago I noticed I was finding a lot of wasps on my kitchen window. I have since moved no less than 6 -7 every day from the same window. The only other place they are my house is my bathroom window which is directly above the kitchen window. DO you think I have a nest? How do you find a nest which is inside your house? I find it strange that they are no where else in my house except 2 windows which are directly on top of each other?? Please help I don't want this to affect my little girl in any way.




  1. it sounds like a wasp nest, get the pest control out to take a look but keep your daughter away,sort it out before it gets worse. i had the same problem about 5 or 6 every day we got the pest control out and we found out that they whole upstairs flat was covered in wasps! they love cavitys in walls

    hope this helps

  2. I also had a nest in the roof above my kitchen window, ring your local council as they will get rid of it for you (for a fee of course).

  3. I your little girl is allergic and may accidentally get stung then I would say get a pest controller out to check for nests.  Unfortunately this can sometimes make matters worse because these companies often destroy nests during the day which results in lots of hungry, irritable and homeless wasps when they return from foraging. Get a good company - the council usually has a list.

    I am a bit of a wasp supporter so I think this would be a good place to give them some PR. Wasps only become a nuisance towards the end of Summer when they are forced to look for sugar to survive.  The rest of the year they are about in huge numbers but you hardly ever see them. This is because they are out hunting caterpillars and other grubs to feed to the young wasp grubs in the nest.  They consume huge quantities of pests and are of massive economic importance to the agriculture of this country (especially the organic movement).  To lose them would be catastrophic.  They feed their prey to the wasp grubs which in turn excrete a sugary solution which feeds the workers. However this is an annual cycle and once next years new queen wasps have been brought on the old queen stops laying and no new grubs appear.  Therefore no sugary excretions to feed the workers. This usually happens about mid August which is when, as if by magic, hundreds of wasps appear hunting out anything sugary (especially if you are having a picnic!!).  They are, in fact, starving to death as their colony has brokn down.  The new queens fly off to fatten up for winter hibernation and the whole process starts again the following spring with a single queen who establishes a new nest.  They are amazing ,and actually quite gentle, creatures (far less aggressive than honey bees) so please give them their due and , unless you have have a very good reason for destroying them, let them be.  In this case there probably is a reason but a lot of people destroy nests out of irrational fear.  Without them we would be in a h**l of a mess. All hymenoptera (bees, wasps etc) are in serious decline and they need all the help they can get. Hopefully this knowledge will help readers understand and respect these fantastic creatures a little more - spread the word!

  4. in view of the fact that your daughter has an allergy to wasp stings i think you need to phone your local council. they should have a pest control department, they may charge you but it will be far cheaper than a private firm.

  5. They love the cavitys in your wall, you need to ring a exterminator and get ite sorted, the nests get bigger and bigger in no time. you should see how they build them from mashed up wood it's so cool but they are a pest and obvisoululy you need to get rid of them because of your daughter. The sooner you act the better and it will be easier, if they get established then it may take a few attempts to get rid of them.

  6. The nest will be in the eaves directly above the bathroom window and they will be coming and going through the fascia. Stick your head your in the attic and shine a torch in that direction, it's a beautiful site.

    Because your daughter is allergic, I have to agree with the cautious approach and suggest you call out a professional, be it council or private. You don't want to be in the attic when a nest of wasps kicks off.

  7. Yes, it sounds like a small nest.

    It is best to call in a professional pest control company rather than try to deal with it yourself.

  8. Get on to you local council - they might offer a pest control service - or at the very least, some advice.

  9. Get a pest control company in to check your house out.
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