
Wasps and bees??what do wasps do?

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i know the reason bees buzz around all day and it may sound stupid but what do wasps do all day and then go back to there nest,,do all wasps have a nest to go to,,bees make honey,,what do wasps actually do..answers,,,thk you.




  1. Nothing - useless black and yellow pests!. And their nests are amazing - we had one in the garage loft a few weeks ago.

  2. wasps just annoy everyone and buzz around plotting the downfall of humanity

  3. They actually have a place in the great scheme of things, they are scavengers and eat rotting fruit,rotting meat ie dead rats and mice and various other bits. Their nests are rather beautiful creations made from wood pulp, Life revolves around the queen and colony like the bee. pity the little sods sting though.

  4. Richard K is correct. Wasps eat lots of insects and other waste matter such as dead animals & fruit that has fallen from the tree. If we did not have these insects there would be a lot more diseases and plagues of insects.

    They also earn me £50 every time someone wants a nest destroyed so they keep me off the dole!

  5. many are predators  ,they eat flies,caterpillars ,spiders,etc,some are pollinators they eat nectar ,and fruit from flowers and trees .many make nests living in a colony,others lead solitary lives,only getting together to breed.theres one solitary species the velvet ant the males fly around but the females crawl around on the ground no wings ,most wasps are not aggressive they usually won't bother you unless attacked,others some of the hornets are very aggressive and will attack if you get within 10 feet of their nest..........tom

  6. sting        people

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