
Wat happens if u get caught?

by  |  earlier

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at happens i u get caught driving without a license if ur 14.. and wat happens to the passanger?




  1. i'm 99% sure they'll give you the death penalty.

  2. You get arrested, pay fines, get on probation, and won't be able to even try to get a license until you are 18.

  3. boys..... cant live with em cant live without em. My bro did this.... you're going to jail, until youre parents come. and if they dont put you in the cell they are at least going to take you down to the station. That means both of you its called JOY RIDING its illegal

  4. You'll be taken to the police station as will your friend.  You will probably be fingerprinted and then taken to a juvenile holding cell while both of  your parents are contacted.  The car could be impounded and maybe your parents will have to pay a couple of hundred to get it out.  They'll have to pay your fine for driving without a license.  Your parents will be the ones to have to pay for all of your acts of idiocy.  Then, when  you get home, you'll have to pay the rest and I do hope they're hard on you.

  5. you'll get arrested.

  6. It's not worth it. The driver will not be able to get a drivers license until 18 or 21 depending on the judge. The car will be confiscated and towed. All occupants in car will go to the police station and parents will be notified. On top of that if you actually hit someone you will be liable for all damages and considering your age I doubt you have the money to cover expenses like that. In the end you'll end up getting a job at 16 to pay for something that happened 2 years ago. Oh did I mention the 2 $500 tickets you will get if pulled over? Look just wait 'till your 16.

  7. Please don't even think of doing that.. if you wrecked, and someone got hurt, you could be in big trouble, even if it was not your fault.. plus they do take kids to jail these days!

  8. car gets towed and they have to find a ride home they are having problems with alot of people driving without a license i went threw a license cheak stop today and they were towing cars

  9. I don't know about U.S but if you get caught driving w/o license in India, you just have to pay a fine of 100 rupees($3)

  10. you might have to wait till your 18 to have your lisence and you will get a ticket and idk about the passager

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