
Wat is the matter w/ me?

by  |  earlier

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idk who i am anymore. i am nobody. i have no voice in this world. i am very shy. i do not have any true friends i can be myself around except one. thank-u hailey for being there with me. my family r now my best friends. i do not belong with the whites. i do not belong with the blacks. i do not belong with the foreigners. i belong with the ppl.




  1. cogito ergo sum.  I think therefore I am.  Believe in yourself.  Peer pressure is about conforming to OTHERS expectations.  This is a false god.  We all have an inner light which we have been given to protect and nourish.  Never sacrifice that light for anything else, but by self sacrifice for the Good that light will grow stronger.  Carpe diem.  You sure use a lot of labels.  You think thats useful, ho? lol.


    btw.  alienation and disaffection are very common feelings as you grow out of childhood into adulthood.  You'll grow out of it.  Focus more on doing and less on feeling.  As the ad says "just do it".

    Do good.

  2. i no wat u mean...  lots of times i feel like im from another planet to...

  3. A lot of people are in the same position as you, but accept it as their normal way of life. I don't think that there is a real need to belong  to any group of people. Sad that you live in a society that classifies you. If you are independent, then try to find a new place that is accepting of you regardless. Put a question in Yahoo Answers looking for a non-discriminating city and make it a short to medium term goal to get there. This will not only give your thoughts a focus, but may ultimately lead to a better life.


  4. are you in the right section

    maybe you need to repost this question in another section..

  5. This is the Astronomy section of Answers.

  6. This question should be in some other category!

  7. Have you considered joining the church of scientology?  They can magically solve all your problems if you just give them money.  Nobody really knows how they do it but they do, trust me.

  8. Uh, do you realize that you posted your question in the "Astronomy and Space" section?

  9. well i agree that there are very few people who are true friends. go see a psychologist he may help you.

  10. Its called the human condition.

    One cannot really know anyone else... One cannot really know themselves. All we can do is find out whats the best method to get the endorphins pumping.

    "Be yourself" is a surprisingly useful motto. Next time you feel uncomfortable think about something that makes you laugh or just go right out and do something that will make you happy. Spontaneity is pretty exhilarating if your not use to it so just try new and random things.

  11. Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfectly fine just the way you are. There is nothing wrong with being friends with your family. Few people have any voice in this world. You asking a question here is finding a voice, isn't it? Who ever has true friends? Friends are people and people make mistakes. No one is perfect, and no one is truly true. Only true for now.

    You are not NOBODY. You are SOMEBODY.

    You don't have to fit in with anyone to define who you are. You define yourself. You belong to yourself. You own yourself. Try to find the strength to be comfortable with yourself.

    What do you like? What are you interested in? What do you think about? What are your big questions about the world about you?

    Accept who you are and you will find strength in that. You are not alone. Or at least, no more alone than anyone else.

    Hang in there!

  12. you just plain belong.

    I will be your friend, I feel the same way.

    Probably just cause we are too cool for school girlfriend.

  13. this is what happens to ppl who do too much astrology.

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