
Water feature noise in the garden?

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Every time we do something in the house or in the garden our neighbour comes around and she has somthing to say about it, we are half way through doing a water fall in our pond in the garden and she came round again to say that the noise of the water is too much. Is there any regulations or guide lines which we need to follow with sound in your garden? Many Thanks




  1. Is the water running down the waterfall properly, it should really be a gentle flow which doesn't create that much noise. I had one and adjust ed it so there was a reasonable flow but it was gentle but wasn't unbearable. I did ask the chap next door if it bothered him and he said no, the sound was very soothing.

    Now what does annoy me in small gardens are barbecues, the one day in the year that every man thinks he can cook. Tell your neighbour it's either the waterfall or regular Saturday and Sunday barbecues!!!!

  2. I bet the neighbour has a weak bladder and the sound of water makes her pee herself!  Nothing she can do about your water feature. Every street has at least one moaning faced old git, just ignore her and she'll go and pick on someone else. You need to put up the noisiest wind-chimes that you can find then watch her face from behind your curtain, she can't do anything about them either.

  3. You might do so landscaping around the water feature.  Ferns, Iris, Lilies, Hosta -- they would buffer the sound.  You could also turn the water pressure down a little which would soften the flow.  Other than that, I really don't know what you can do.  Normally the sound of a waterfall should really not be that objectionable, actually I personally feel it would be soothing and calming. I don't think you are creating a "catact" type roar with your water feature.  Do what you can, and ignore your neighbor, seems she just wants something to complain about.  

  4. No, none. Ignore the nosy old biddy. If you live in an urban neighbourhood then I imagine the usual sounds of people moving about,talking, children playing and the sound of cars passing etc will far surpass any noise of water falling. Personally I dont know what she's moaning about ~ I think the sound of water is very soothing and relaxing.

  5. the noise of the water is too much??.... LOL... tell her you're hard of hearing.... and say HUH? a lot....

    ain't none of her business how loud your water is.... if she'd stay in her house where she belongs, she wouldn't hear it at all... !!!.... nosy old p**p.... you don't have to accomodate HER likes and dislikes... it ain't her pond and waterfall!!!... tell her this is YOUR yard and you'll do as you like there......*however nicely you can tell her to stuff it, basically.....I'm guessing you'd be nice... I'd just tell her  to go back in the house and mind her own beeswax.............

  6. Your being too sensitive.Let her go on,but it must go through one ear,out the other.It's just her way.Smile and ignore,but don't be rude,humour her a bit

  7. I would say turn it off at night, which you probably do any way, and i don't think they can do anything about it. It wouldn't bother me. Now wind chimes thats my problem, if it was a windchime i would be over the fence and cutting the strings.

  8. nope, none what so ever, your neghbour is just a nosey so and so who wants to make a fuss. ignore them.

  9. Ah don't worry about neighbours like that, make the water fall bigger! But certainly DON'T turn it off at night because this is when the fish need the extra oxygen that a waterfall adds to the water.


  10. yaya ho capito tutto

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