
Water or fire?...............

by  |  earlier

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If you had to choose, which elament would you choose? Fire or water? Be honest





  2. Air. :P

    But fire over water any day, I sympathize with its destructive properties.

  3. pfft water...easy

    dum question though

  4. fire...i can make fire with water breaking it down into its elements hydrogen and oxygen. but with ware you cant make anything without fire.

  5. i would choose Water Fire element. it is kindda new but it works both way. Water/ice is H2O which is a molecule. Fire is just energy right? so combine together you get Water Fire element which is like H2O receive enough energy to increase to the next orbital level which makes Water Fire element. It is an extremely powerful elemental attack any pokemon or any monster or ninjas or robots or devils or anything touches Water Fire get consumed in kinda like a 8th dimensional rift and all died.  

  6. Water to survive.

    Fire to have fun.

  7. Water

  8. water, it's refreshing. and it cools you down, and you can drink it!!!

  9. Water..  

  10. Being a scientist I know that water and fire are not elements- but I guess I would choose water.


  12. Why is this question posted under chemistry science? please don't categorize questions like this.


  14. Fire could own water anyday

  15. water because it could be molded into different shapes.

    turned into different elements too. mist, fog, ice, or plain water. water is everywhere. nothing can beat it.  

  16. watterrr

  17. fire, charmander rocks!

  18. fire = power

  19. i would choose fire b/c it is so much cooler and u can burn stuff. u see water everyday but u dont see fire everyday....well unless u make a fire in ur fireplace

  20. water...can make a grand canyon and contribute to the making of a margarita ..pretty cool

  21. im a virgo so unless im mistaken i'm Earth, but if i had to pick it would be water because water can be nourishing or deadly, calm or stormy, and helpful or destructive.  Water is so versatile.

  22. water cause you could put out fire

    please answer mine;...

  23. I wish you would clarify your question. If it were a superpower, I'd love the ability to shoot fire.  

  24. umm...u posted in the chemistry section and neither of those are "elements".

    but being an avatar fan...i would say fire :P

  25. water  

  26. water~

  27. Fire is cool!

  28. water more choices... fire just burn stuff. water can turn into ice, freeze things, make weapons of ice.... the possibilities would be endless... and oh yeh.. it could put out fire

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